Yep, looks like initial buyers are being shafted by Toyota GB. I have to say I'm less than happy with my buying experience. Toyota GB seem to be making it up as they go along. It would have been nice to have the LED lights but I can easily live without them. Will be interesting to see what this pack costs and if it's retro-upgradable to current cars.
This is my first dealing with Toyota and it does seem a bit hectic. It was not that long ago we got pricing and the final spec. Seems to me like the "2010" as they call it State side should maybe have been released in 2010. Even in the US early adopters did not get a USB but from what I have read that is being added to later cars. (that could be wrong) If not that is poor form. Either way there is certainly no bonus for boosting their early sales. If this kit was out when I ordered I would have had it as long as it was not a mental price. They have lost revenue due to a lack of foresight. Still, can’t wait to get my hands on the thing!
My response to this is not can not be published as it would get me banned from this site I'll give you a clue - Cockney Rhyming slang for the lead character in Mission Impossible
The perils of the early adopter. If you wait three years you can get the facelifted version; there's always something new around the corner. To be honest I'm quite impressed that Toyota have responded to the feedback. Anyway, I'm just chuffed to have found out that the black T Spirit I was expecting in September is ariving at the dealer tomorrow. That's my kind of expectation management. I'd been promised the demonstrator for the weekend, but now with a bit of luck I should be able to pick up my own car on Saturday instead. May see you there Tony!
Our Australian top model gets all of these (and more). The LED lights are much whiter and brighter with a dramatic cut-off. The electro-chromatic rear mirror is.....different. Following car's headlights appear green in it. It certainly cuts the glare problem, though. Absolutely LOVE the HUD linked with the's awesome!
read this topic with a lot of interest. From what I gather your version T3 is the Dutch "Comfort version", your T4 is the Dutch Aspiration version and T spirit is a Dynamic without Led headlights. I still think it looks very good with the normal headlights :rockon: Looks like I bought the T4 (Aspiration) Pearl White! Delivery 31-august 2009 which is still sooo far away....
The LED Technology kit is £895. Looks like other options coming for the UK is heated front seats and other leather colour options (presumably a light grey for the blue cars).
That's interesting, is it worth £895.... hmmm.... Could I ask where you found out the price? And what the expected timescale is?
The price was in the Q&A section on the Toyota blog. There's over 80 messages, I just plowed through it to see if there was anything interesting sneaked out and there it was. Look for replies from Melissa. Interesting one of her answers she says that Toyota took the decision to not offer the adaptive cruise control as our motorways are so busy. Errrr - doesnt that actually mean the opposite - that adaptive cruise is far more useful then normal cruise? And if this is so then why is Lexus offerring the adaptive cruise on the RX 450h? I think the real issue here is that a Prius with leather and all those techie goodies would have been moving up too much into Lexus territory. Another tid-bit - one dealer told me that Toyota GB has threatened all their dealers with a £5,000 fine if they supply a T-Spirit with solar roof and 17" wheels. However they are allowed to sell a T-Spirit / solor roof customer the 17" wheels as an after sales part afterwards; just not at the same time and certainly not pre-fitted.
Sad that you guys miss out on the good bits.....our I-tech top model here in OZ has everything except the 17" wheels and LKA as standard, and the Radar Cruise is GREAT!! I fixed the 17" wheel problem at is our car at the Dealer's ready to drive away, no problems at all. Now it's complete.
The Toyota UK Blog is updated with details of the LED Technology pack, and confirms the £895 price. Looks to me like this is at least a Port option. Announcing the introduction of the LED Technology pack | Toyota UK news, reviews, video and pictures | Today Tomorrow
It's great that they have listened to customer feedback, but it's too late for me now I'll start sobbing into my cornflakes right about now :hurt: