Date Ordered: 05/27/05 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Smart Motors, Madison, Wisconsin Timeframe given for delivery: 4-6 months Color: Tideland Option Package: #4 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: ? Eek! I just took a deep breath and ordered my Prius (car-buying is very stressful for me). I'm excited, though, and I feel pretty confident after reading so much info on this forum. Thanks.
Congrats on pulling the trigger Queenie! We have a Prius on order (Salsa) from Smart and it's due next week. We ordered 6/21/04 and were told at that time that it was going to be 12-14 months. Looks like their prediction is going to be pretty close. I'm seeing more and more Prii around Madison all the time. Many more than you saw just 6 months ago. Our wait is almost over, but this last week is killing me. It was suppose to come in this week, but got delayed by a week for some reason or another. Enjoy the boards - there is so much good info here!
Salsa Red #1, San Diego.. three hours.... ... from decision to ownership. But, I chose, rather than ordered. Eric @ Kearney Mesa Toyota in San Diego keeps a few colors and pachages in stock. Says he has about 35 in and out per month.
Amazing update: I got to the dealership Saturday morning to put down a deposit and get on their waiting list and they had the exact color and option package I wanted that someone else on the list had decided not to take. So I get my Prius today! Sort of feels like it was meant to be.
Congrats Queenie - I'm glad things worked out so well for you! I have to say I'm a bit disappointed that Smart does that. I'm sure that there are people who have been on the waiting list for months that also have the same color and option package on order. I was hoping that Smart gave people on the list the first opportunity, but I guess they aren't any more ethical than other dealers out there that do the same thing. Nothing against you... I would have done the same thing you did had we been offered one earlier. Enjoy your Prius!
Great news... ours got delivered to Smart today! Hope they will have it ready before the weekend. I can't wait anymore!
Hooray for you, beacher! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get it in time for the weekend. I'll also watch for any Salsas I see on the road and wave if I see you. I don't think I've seen any Salsas around Madison yet.
We picked it up last night! Yeehaw! I managed to convince my wife that I needed to drive it to work today. Averaged almost 49 MPG on my 14 mile comute. I'm taking it to a Goodyear dealer later this morning to switch the Integrity tires for Comforttreads. You are right that there aren't a lot of Salsa's around. Lot's of Driftwood's and Silver's it seems.