Guys, In regards to the cash back. Do you negotiate the OTD price and the cash back is what it supposed be (sending me a check after my purchase)? John
Read IMO negotiate the price for the car then deduct the rebate. This may save some sales tax depending on your state's law.
What factory cash back are you talking about? The 2010 Prius just came out and dealerships can't keep them on their lots they sell so quickly. Why would Toyota offer factory cash back on such a vehicle???
It tells you what people are paying and what it cost the dealer, there is no rebate. I think there is a 1% kickback the manufacture gives back to the dealer
No, This is inaccurate. Nationwide, most people are paying MSRP for this car at the moment. According to this page, I should be able to buy the car (Prius V, Navi, in Blizzard), for 28,900? I have never heard of anyone buying a V for more than a few hundred off list. Additionally, there is a 2% holdback for Toyota in the US market, not 1% 'Kickback'. Please get the facts correct. In any case, there is not factory cash back at this time (July 2009) for the 2010 Prius. They would be pretty dumb to leave money on the table when the car is still so hot.
First of all, the price is an average taken from deals the dealers made. Two, I was more trying to give him an idea of what the holdback is. I never said for sure the Toyota holdback was 1%, I just told him I THINK that's what the percentage is. I never said I knew for sure, that's why I sent him to the site. The collected data include prices from fleet and commercial deals, they don't pay sticker like most people. Bring it on