Picking up my Prius V with ATP tonight. Visited my car early, I could not wait. Prius 3g, V, ATP 2010 - a set on Flickr [ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/xmanlive/sets/72157621812587786/show/with/3753546952/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/xmanlive/sets/72157621812587786/show/with/3753546952/[/ame] :rockon::mod::rockon::mod::rockon::mod::rockon:
I am now a proud owner of a P5 with ATP, remote start and mats, 9 miles on car for test drive. No extra accessories installed, Just what I wanted. Got home, now have 21 miles on my car. I have good road trip planed for tommorw. I should be able to give some feedback about the car soon. Maybe some vidio clips.
wow awesome! i guess you decided to just go for the silver then. i ended up ordering from cali to get the blue one. maybe we should have a Houston Prius meetup in the near future haha
Just wait until you get a chance to really use the Cruise Control on the car. THAT will be an experience you'll enjoy!! If you played with it on your test drive, you just got the barest taste of its utility. Enjoy!!!!! Stu
Houston meet up could be fun. When Ggood got his PV with ATP, he was nice enough to meet people at Memorial Park. It was fun. My understanding is there is a Houston Prius car club but don’t think they have met up in a while. Not sure what the link is of the top of my head, but when I last checked web site it had not been updated in a while. I can lookup link if no one else reminds us what it is.
Looks great! Please remember to enter your package and color selection in the poll, and add a response in the thread with details! :rockon: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...m/63423-poll-what-2010-prius-do-you-have.html
Congrats, emjoy it! We have been waiting for 3 months for out 2010 V ATP and all we hear from Toyota is stories and lies.
I got a bit lucky almost 3 months wait. I did not feel like I had any leads until talking with Inventory Control Specials and Customer Rep, each dealer has one. Many of the sales staff can’t see as much as they can. Inventory Control Specials have direct control on what has been submitted for allocation request and understand all the rules of the game. Good Luck!
Very nice, XMAN I really like the silver, especially with the 17" wheels. I got a call about a week ago from the guy at the dealership... He said he had a silver IV with sunroof in, so I went to check it out. I ended up waiting longer for either a Blizzard Pearl or Winter Gray, but I was surprised how much I liked the silver in person. Seeing it with the 17" wheels, it looks even nicer. Take some nice interior shots for us!
I asked for a customer rep, I mean Customer Relations Mgr. (CRM), at the dealer and they told me who the Inventory Control Specialist Mgr was. According to CRM I talked to, each dealer has someone assigned to these job roles. Ask around at your local dealer, would be my suggestion. Good luck!
Below is the link is was talking about, not sure about the status of this Houston prius club. www.106mpg.com
xman - Dan Bryant also posts here sometimes, under user name "Dan". Here is his driving impressions from a hypermiler story: 2010 Prius Preview: A Hypermiler's perspective | PriusChat I sent him an e-mail saying there was interest in a Houston meetup with him as the main attraction, discussing and/or demonstrating his hypermiling techniques/recommendations, perhaps with a special focus on any new recommendations for the the new model. I also told him my other thought was to set something up with a dealer and service related stuff, or to cover both subjects in the same meeting, since I don't know how much interest there would be in multiple meetups. I imagine dealer involvement could lead to a little more promotion than just on priuschat. First question is whether there is enough interest from people in Houston to do something like this. Second question is whether any dealers would be interested in sponsoring something, as a tie in to their sales or service dept. You can PM me about whether you or I should contact fred haas toyota as a possible sponsor. There's not actually a houston group set up on priuschat yet, so that's another thing to consider doing.