We walked out of the restaurant last night to be greeted by this! (see picture) A young driver was trying to back-up in the parking lot and misjudged the distant from her car to ours. Thankfully she stuck around to talk with us and get the accident report filled out. I guess I need to find a body shop in the Twin Cities. I know this is kind of sick, but if others have fender bender experiences and stories to share, maybe it'll be therapeutic.
Sadly, you're not alone. I feel bad for all of you. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-v-last-night-murphy-struck-2.html#post911891 http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/65223-mattresses-priuses-oh-my.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...5643-photos-prius-damage-dam-spectacular.html I know there are a couple of others, but I couldn't find the links.
Sorry to hear the news. At least they stuck around and will be taking care of it! Not fun when you have to shell out a collision deductible for a hit and run. At least it's the bumper also! Still sad, but when the other party has insurance it's certainly a plus.
Bent Prius is a sad sight. Mine looks great now after my door got bent up. Before By patsparks at 2009-07-27 After By patsparks, shot with FinePix Z10fd at 2009-07-27 And proving a Prius is a chick magnet! By patsparks at 2009-04-24
I had a little accident last friday too. ALthough it was my fault. I backed up without looking at any of the rear view mirrors nor the camera
The first estimate for the repair is $730 to replace the lower plastic bumper piece, paint to match the Blizzard Pearl and replace the rear bumper applique. Getting another estimate tonight.