Hi all, First of all, thanks so much for all the good information I've been finding on this site! You all definitely know the details of the Prius and manage to explain the most technical points in ways that every "newbie" can understand. Nice job! Now, my question: I've had my 2010 Trim III Prius for a week exactly now and am madly in love with it. I am worried about a minor "lurching" feeling I get when I try to go a steady speed. I am still under that magical 600 miles mark, so I'm trying to be diligent about not accelerating quickly, but I admit that I may have sped up a few times while getting on the freeway to avoid certain death. When I'm driving a steady speed, be it 35 or 65, I get a slight lurching feeling in the body of the car. Anyone know what's causing that? How to fix it? Or has anyone else experienced it? Do I just need to take it back to the dealership? Thanks in advance for all your help everyone! hnfleming
Interesting to see these questions as it brings back memories to the folks that had similar questions when they purchased the previous gen which is what I have. That feeling/sensation is something you'll get used to as it has to do with the way the power from the electric and gas engine are blended. Once you've driven the car for a while you will barely notice it. If you accelerate more briskly you may not even notice it. However, if you accelerate lightly initially and then demand more power, the gas engine will kick in and contribute to that sensation of lurching. If anyone else has anything else to add or my explanation is wrong, please chime in. This is what I recall from a chat years and years ago. Hard to believe I've had my 2004 for nearly six years (this Nov will be its sixth birthday).
Having driven a hybrid of some variety for 2+ years now, I don't get any such feeling. But this guy feels lurchy every day.
Lurch-y feeling? Guess I missed that feeling in my first 3,500+ miles. Perhaps it is wind buffeting the car? 'djasonw' above seems to have hit upon something common to Prii owners.
Good explanation but I will chime in on a comparison of my prior car (2006 Lexus RX 400h) and my new Prius: The RX did have that on/off/blend feel at about 40 mph but I have not noticed it at all on the new Prius in the first month. The Prius does not bring on the ICE nearly as much in 20-45 mph driving, so that may well have the most effect, but I've been impressed with the smoothness of both initial takeoff and integration of ICE. If it's a first hybrid, I suppose the OP may be doing less gliding but is doing more pedal movement to maintain speed, and I suppose that could trigger some sensation like the Lexus had.
Haven't experienced this, just the hypersensitivity when backing up or accelerating when first starting the car.
I really appreciate all the responses. As I said, I'm brand new to this and still learning the best way to drive it. I drove it for about 2 hours today all around town and was more careful and aware of how I used the pedal and noticed a difference (for the better!). Thanks everyone - especially for the picture!
I think you're describing a power delivery totally different than a conventional car. Normal for a Prius. Sometimes I feel a slight kick of power in the drive train when not expected, on the freeway. Can't explain the exact conditions this occurs. It seems normal to me. My owners manual has a bunch of hybrid warnings like 'you may feel a slight jerk, this is normal' , etc... And don't worry about a quick acceleration when breaking in. Most have to do it sometimes.
I've had my 2011 Prius III for a week now and have felt the same lurch-y feeling on the freeway. It doesn't happen on city streets but when I'm on the freeway going at a steady 60-65 mph, there's a slight lurch. It isn't quite front-to-back, feels a bit of a sideways lurch. If I take my hands off the wheel, the car holds a steady straight course so the alignment seems fine. It is definitely a bit unnerving.
I experienced the rubber-banding sensation the times I had a HS250h loaner and was pleased not to feel it on my test drive of a 2011 Prius. If I experience it when my car arrives, I'll realize that it's not unexpected.
For 99% of the time I use Shell fuel and never feel the transition of power but I have noticed it a couple of times when I have used a cheaper fuel. Apparently the "lurch" is more noticable when the wrong grade of oil is used, although I can't concur as I have only had the correct grade of 0W20 in mine.