Just got back from the dealer - mine arrived today and is being prepped over the next few days ready for next Saturday (1st Aug) Managed to grab a snap with my iPhone (attached) - looking good! Trust me - batteries are charged, lenses cleaned, memory cards formatted - will be taking pics on 01.08.09 with gay abaondon! ... and of course they will be posted here on PriusChat first (PS: MRP - Get well soon mate - oink!)
Cheers Tone not started oinking yet but have an urge to roll in mud! Does anyone know if the UK car has that constant beeping while reversing like in the US? It would drive me mad if it does and will ask them to change it before I get it.
Sorry to say - yes it does Not sure if it can be changed to the single beep here - but will find out next week.
The reverse beeping gives me a headache too! I'm hoping the dealership can change it, otherwise I'll start attempting the world's first non-reverse-parallel-park. After several long weeks away, finally ordered my pearl white T spirit for 1st September delivery (wanted to get the new license plates). And Congratulations Tone, be sure to snap lots of pics!
UK Availability seems to be pretty good, ordered mine on the company car scheme on 22nd July and was immediately given a delivery date of 8th August. Phil
Yes, if dealers still have allocation left they can get them pretty quickly if you're not too fussy on colour. Oddly it seems to be blue which has the longest wait.
Wonderful phone call this evening! My Prius will be available early to mid August. I will wait until the plate change in September before picking it up, it also ties in better with work and holiday's then. But boy am I excited tonight!!:cheer2:
I have started a thread "Reverse Beep in the UK" and posted the following: "I can confirm that I have a UK car and my dealer has changed the reverse beep to a single beep FOC. They couldn't do it on the PDI as my car was the first they'd had and they hadn't worked out how to use the software but when I took it back a few days later they fixed it in less than 5 minutes. I had requested this be done when I originally ordered the car - it wasn't a 'post-delivery' request."
@agentred: Going to see if Dingles can do mine Monday - I'll let you know how I get on. On an unrelated topic - here's a taster from today's picture taking session...
Thanks Tone. I saw your car parked in the middle of the showroom, it looks great! Let us know how you get on,
It has arrived!!! Woo Hoo. Reverse beep changed as promised. I have done 8 miles and parked in 1 car park and had loads of looks. Lovin’ this car.
Only used it twice and it did the job. Both times it has offered 3 different routes, short, short and fastest. Note that is not a typo it offered 2 short routes. I could not really tell you how good the graphical directions are on the screen as the directions that pop up on HUD are so good I have not looked at the screen. It took me a different route than Tom Tom would on a journey I did yesterday to a friend’s house but that was not a bad thing. I don’t think it was any quicker but saved me going through the village which can get busy at certain times of day so at some point that route will save me time. Instructions are very clear and easy to understand. I had a quick look at the POI for petrol stations and again did a good job giving me a choice of fuel companies to use, represented by the company logos. I forced it to reroute by ignoring it and going back on myself and it rerouted very quickly. I have heard guys from the US say the nav is a bit slow but the HDD version we have I find very quick. Time will tell to be honest but so far so good. I have a couple of longer runs coming up on Friday and Saturday so they will be more of a test. Bottom line HUD navi is cool and works very well from my limited use.
Congrats Mr P - what colour did you get? (sorry if youve already mentioned this). I pick mine up in approx 24 hours! The HUD is a triumph - my brother has it on his BMW (cost approx £1,000) and loves it. Was very happy we get it on the Prius in Europe. All cars will have them soon.
I went for Novus grey. It took me weeks to decide!! Really happy with the choice I made though. What about you? Novus seems a popular choice. The HUD is great. It is the nav that really makes it for me. When I had seen pics of the nav on the HUD I thought it is too plain to be of use but I was very wrong. It does a great job and is all you need. No doubt on complicated sections of road you will need to glance at the screen but in the main the HUD is all you need. A mate of mine is MR BMW. They are the best things since sliced bread to him. He took a look around my Prius last night and seemed to like it. He mentioned the build quality and was impressed with the toys. He found it very odd when I moved off his drive and it just made a slight hum though.
Congrats on getting the car - and if I may say - good choice of colour Everyone who's seen mine has loved it - and the HUD has always been the main talking point. I think a few more sales may be going Toyota's way (if only I was on commission!)
To be honest I like all the colours, I would have been happy with any of them. My end choice was between Novus and Tyrol, but I ended up with the silver as the most practical (my car will live on the street in London).
So I'm just totting up who in UK has collected, and who's still waiting... Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 0 Name Collection Date Model Colour 1 meannotgreen 24/07/09 T3 Black 2 tone_uk 01/08/09 TSpirit Novus Grey 3 MR P 04/08/09 TSpirit Novus Grey 4 bol 04/08/09 TSpirit Black (with dent!) 5 Wooski 06/08/09 TSpirit Tyrol Grey 6 ensoruk 08/08/09 ? ? 7 Fujisan ? TSpirit Pearl White 8 agentred 01/09/09 TSpirit Pearl White Have I missed anyone off? At this rate we'll all be sorted and have nothing to talk about P.S. It took me longer to work out how to make the above table than it did to buy the car !! LMAO