I've never considered in the past installing different size tires on a car than the standard so never thought about the impact on needing the emergency donut tire. If I purchase 17in tires do I also need a different emergency tire as well?
Although you might change the wheel size from 15" to 17", the 17" tires need to be lower profile, to maintain the outside diameter of the tire. Given this, the original spare will work.
Thanks to both of you for your answers. I've never had a donut before nor changed tire size, so never gave it a thought before.
Hello Miller: I don't know if you really meant to post this in the GIII forums or not. It appears that you have a 2008. Have you looked at the color of your donut spare? The outside of the rim on my 2009 is mustard yellow! I wonder if all years of GIIs are like this? They must do this so that you're so embarrassed that you get the regular tire fixed and put back on as soon as possible! And does anyone know if the G3s are the same?