Is there anyway to avoid having the IC engine stop and restart automatically during the break-in period? I am picking up my new Prius this week. Thanks
Can't think of a way off hand but it's not necessary to have the engine not start and stop during the break in period...
Engines today are pretty much pre-broken at the factory before they are installed. I haven't seen a Prius owners manual yet but I would bet you are to take it easy and drive normal for the first 1,000-1,200 miles to let everything seat and wear in gradually. Take care of it early on and it will take care of you later on.
Sounds like a really good way to test the functionality of those air bags... Why would anybody put in a device that only works once??? Keith
The owners manual clearly outlines the break-in procedure. Dale, why would you think that you should prevent the ICE from stopping during the break-in period? Do you know something that the Toyota engineers do not??
Convention has it that when you start an engine it runs on "leftover oil" in the bearings until the oil pressure comes up. But it's different with a Prius. MG1 spins up the engine to over 1000 RPM -then- injects fuel. In other words, it's not -really- "starting" the engine, just -running- it. The oil pressure would be up when the engine has to deliver power. So you really don't have to worry Dale. But nice you worry about the poor car anyway.
I thought that oil pressure did not build up until some given engine and oil pump speed and that it would be best to minimize the number of engine revolutions at low oil pressure while starting during the break-in period. I assume that the oil pump is mechanically coupled to the engine. David, thanks for your information about how MG1 spins up the engine to over 1000 RPM before fuel is injected. That makes me feel much better. Where did you learn about that?