I placed an order for my Prius, but its not coming in for at least a week. I am planning on building and installing a subwoofer enclosure with subs. The only problem is that I do not know the area dimensions of where I plan to put it. I was wondering if any of you would mind measuring out the under the floor cargo area in the trunk. I need to know how wide it is, how long it is from the front of it to the back of it, and most importantly, how deep it is. Thank you all and I hope it is big enough for what i am planning.
What exactly are you planning? I too am planning to put a custom box either there, or in one or both of the side "cubby" areas of the trunk space. Please keep us posted and take some pics whenever you get your car in and start to put together the custom system. I would really like to check it out.
6" deep. 19.5"x 25" usable in length and width. in the '10 you lose some of the space as the back right side of the storage box is cut at an angle. These measurements do not cut into the unusable angled arear of the box. hope it helps.
thank you so much!! it sounds like what i am planning will work. I have 2 JL Audio 8w1's in which i am gonna make a custom enclosure that fits perfectly into/under the trunk floor mat, instead of using it for cargo, it will be full of BASS! Ill be making the box very soon, and once its done ill take some pics of it. I am going to get an amp installed (professionally) to hook up to the subs and power them, I plan on having the amp connected to the sub box so if i ever need to get to the spare tire, i can just un-hook the amp and remove the box. Thank you all again for you help!
The battery is pretty small. I wonder if you will be able to get the current needed to run the amp properly?