Picked up my car last week and this is the first time I did not have them installed at the dealer. Usually a no brainer where they are available OEM at dealer, car or SUV. As for ugly, not as much as dents My indecision is due to having to order outside of Toyota and reading the various (albeit limited) posts about the pros and cons. While several "senior" members have predicted mpg decreases, I would like to hear about actual cause result experience. Have not noticed this in the posts covering placement, etc. So if you have put the moldings on your 2010, please let me know how, if any your MPG has decreased. Thanks!
Well, I don't have the moldings (yet?), so I cannot address the question empirically. But I do have a mechanical engineering degree and a good sense for these sorts of things, so I feel I can pontificate slightly without overly stretching the bounds of good manners. I realize that aerodynamics are especially important with the Prius (and anything else that moves at highway speeds), and any increase in the coefficient of drag would decrease fuel economy. But honestly, if the effect of the body side moldings is measurable at all, I doubt you could begin to see such a small change without a wind tunnel or 100's of hours on a test track. I realize I'm speculating based on nothing more than my own 'engineering sense', but I really don't think even the enthusiastic monitoring of the devoted hypermilers here is likely to pick up the effect of a change that small without very controlled test track like conditions. Just my $0.02 worth.
Unless you live in Priusland where only Prius are allowed, you'll still get dents above and below the side moldings because other cars and trucks are of varying heights. I have them on the Lexus to prove it and Lexus gots side moldings!
Why do you assume it will be worse? It could be actually be better with the side moldings. (I am guess as well) Ever heard of "coke bottle effect" on jet fighter designs? The old F-5E Tiger Shark was a good example. Prius (Gen-II) roof is another. When it comes to aerodynamics, common sense is not always right. i.e. a smooth side surface is not necessarily better than stablized air flow around the vehicles. However, some designs may make the vehicle too ugly. Designers have to strike a balance between drag coff and styling.
I really doubt the side moldings would make a noticeable difference on the mileage, at most I'd say not even a mile difference. My two cents.
No change on my Gen II. I doubt you will see any on your Gen III. I like the look of mine, if you like em, stick em on!
I would think putting a front license plate would cause 100x more drag than the side mouldings would....
I have not seen any difference in FE with the ones I had put on my 2009, FWIW. I agree that the BSMs will prvent some, but not all dings. However, I believe that they serve an additional purpose, one of "visual distraction", in a positive way. When you have a large, smooth surface (like the sides of doors on many modern cars), the least little ding can catch your eye. You'll miss the perfection of the rest of the sheet metal due to the attention payed to the ding (like a black spot on a perfectly white suit)..But break up that surface with a three dimensional object like the body side molding, and any dings that do occur on the sheet metal will be less noticeable, IMO. On another note: I think that door dings are much more common in certain municipalities (such as large cities on the coasts), where the parking spots seem to be only 3/4 as wide as other parts of the country. Best wishes, Frank
Not a joke since in reading previous banter about the pros and cons, the anti-side molding crusaders are vehament. Over the years I have owned a Ford EXP, couple of Honda Accords, Ford Exploder, Toyota Avalon and now drive a Honda CRV as my work vehicle. All have had various types of side moldings and the sides looked like new 4 to 6 years later. Yet a few people (who know more about P than me) keep saying that they don't matter because the car is low and higher cars will bang the doors up anyway. Silly since when I park the CRV, the Ford Expedition next to me, which is "higher and bigger," is not taking out my doors. Then there were the mpg predictions of doom... if it had been a dealer option, would be long done. But since I have to order them, then find an installer, thought I would see if anyone had done an official study (there are so many others on this site) Cheers!
LrkingII Every time I see your name here, I sound it out in my head as LURKING TOO. Just sharing a silly thought!
Fact, I have a graduate degree in aerospace engineering. Fact, I have a 2010 Prius V with 1000 brand smacking new miles. Fact, I have dealer installed BSM's. Fact, I live in the Washington, DC metro area where parking spots are tight and those SUV's take up one and half parking spots. Fact, I have never owned a hybrid before. Fact, in almost 1000 miles I am averaging over 55 mpg with 90% city driving and 10% highway. Real world Experience, BSM effect on drag is negligible and in fact at highway speeds may actually improve laminar flow, but then I am not measuring nor conducting wind tunnel tests to make that claim. At first I was sorry to see the smooth body lines interrupted by the BSM, but now have become accustomed to them and in fact enjoy that my new Prius stands out from all the others in the DC area. I have yet to see any other 2010 Prius in the area with them installed.
Thanks! The parking spots are tight out here in green PDX too. Tonight I was in the parking lot of a store and saw a perfect looking gold Prius with a dent in the driver side door the size of a golf ball. I am ordering the blue ribbon moldings from this site tomorrow. End of subject except 9" or 13" - just kidding.
Why did you need to mention your degree for that? LOL What's the point of the side moldings anyway? I really don't understand why such a thing exists...
Get ready for someone near you to spoil you exclusivity. I have body coloured side mouldings on my 2004 Prius, there is one other Prius owner in my street, they got their Prius after I got mine. Their Prius is the only Prius I have ever seen in Adelaide with side mouldings on it. They have a silver Prius just like mine but their side mouldings are black. I bet they are wondering where I got my shark fin antenna and mudflaps!
Perhaps with your degree you can design a set of 3 sets of BSM that will improve the flow AND add the protection for different levels of cars that bang your doors. I'll bet there are people on here that would buy them.