A dealership can check the VIN and determine if your Prius was subject to the JBL amp problem, and if it was repaired per the TSB I would check the battery voltage right at the battery. Eg, have a helper with a DMM check the battery voltage as you cycle the power button, foot off and then foot on the brake For a 12 vdc battery, resting voltage of <12.5 volts is NOT fully charged. In essence, <12.1 vdc is almost fully discharged. A proper way to test the battery would be to remove it, properly charge it, then do a load test on it. But not too many of us have 12 vdc load test meters, so we have to judge based on voltage alone A corroded ground connection, especially at the unitbody in the rear where the battery lives, can cause problems too. I used to back off and snug up the ground bolt twice a year This photo is looking towards the right rear corner of the Prius The battery posts are circled. The rearmost post is the negative post. The tiny wire from the negative post is hooked up to a bolt that is attached to the unitbody shell. It wouldn't hurt to back off, then snug up, that bolt to ensure a good connection. I used to back of and snug up the ground bolt twice a year This is another perspective of the 12 vdc battery. The wire coming out is the VDC Battery Minder harness I put in
Thanks Jayman. Im going to check that. I am dropping it off at Right Honda in Scottsdale this evening to see if they can figure it out. Ill let you know what they have to say. Thanks Dave
The car is at the dealership. they just called and said they have not seen a prius do this before. They did say that the negaitive battery connection was not great so they tightened that. I guess they noticved that the car was in a crash before we purchased it and has some damage on the rear end that was not helping the ground.They also said the the J2(?) Relay was not working properly and needed to be replaced. They are fairly sure this will fix the problem. $320 including labor. I need to call them back in an hour to let them know if I want them to go ahead. Is this a tricky part to install?
For a $320 repair I think it is fair to ask the dealer for more details. Did they get any DTC codes? If so you can ask for the codes and do some research. If not then ask how they determined where the problem is. Good luck!
My battery measures about 12.8V after about 20 miles drive and about 12.4V the next time I get ready to drive (after work, overnight, or over the weekend). Seems awfully close to the 12.1. Nice and clean for a 2004. Or were the photo taken some years ago?
So are there any Posters in the Phoenix area looking for one of the yellow top batteries? I will recieve it in the mail from Elearnaid today or tomorrow and dont need it. Rather than pay the return shipping I would like to pass on the shipping savings to a fellow prius owner here.
Oh, they finally noticed that? Did they bother disclosing that to you before they sold the car to you??? [Sarcasm Mode = ON] Yeah, I guess that could potentially f*** up the vehicle ground [Sarcasm Mode = OFF]
At the MFD, or using a DMM at the battery itself? Using a calibrated Fluke DMM, my battery was 13 vdc resting, usually around 13.8 vdc in Ready I'm pretty anal about how clean I keep a vehicle, and how I look after it. On conventional vehicles, like my FJ, I even change the power steering fluid. When I sold my Prius a couple of months ago, the rear hatch area looked just as clean
ScanGauge II, I guess this would be the same as MFD? I will check with DMM at some point. Good for you!
I picked the car up at the dealership, paid my $311 for the work and drove home. It seemed fine. I drove into work this morning and it seemed fine. I just tried to go out to lunch and the exact same F%^&ing thing just happened. The display flashes on for a second and the car shuts off. What are my options here? Can I ask for the $311 back as it resolved nothing.
I called the service guy and called him every name under the sun. He said that a Prius Master technician told him yesterday that it was fixed. He said that I would not be charged any more and that they would fix it for me today. So back I go.
Yep. The DMM will provide a "true" reading at the battery. I prefer checking at the battery first, then the underhood jump point. If there is a problem with a loose and/or corroded connection, it should show up at the underhood jump point That little bolt that holds the ground wire to the unitbody, would be high on the suspect list for me. At a certain point, you have to lay down the law. Keep us informed on this
I had to get the car towed which turned out to be a bit of a pain in the neck. Luckily I was able to use my mother-in-law's AAA card. The 1st truck was a flatbed but after reading some posts here I had to have them come back with the truck with the hydraulic lift. We dropped the car off at the dealership and the last thing I saw as I left were 3 service guys scratching their heads wondering how they were going to move the car back into the shop area.
The "master" technician has been working on the car all morning but has not been able to even start it yet. This is Right Toyota in Scottsdale in case anyone is wondering. Stay tuned!
They did get the car to start by applying power to a particular wire but they still have not been able to identify the cause of the problem. They are going to tackle it again on Monday.
Apparently they have found the problem. It's the Integration Relay. They think that the IG1 relay and the integration relay were both at fault. $160 for the part. Hopefully that be the end of the problems as we cant take much more.