Hello PriusChatters, I've been snooping around these forums these past couple of months as I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of my vary own gen III. I am happy to report that it has finally arrived (after some issues with it not being loaded on the truck). I received a blizzard pearl and bisque package III with tint, remote-start, and leather all added at port. Overall I am very satisfied with the car with the exception of a few small things, the leather seems as though it was slopped on there very poorly, seems baggy like they used too much cloth and I expected it to be put on the doors as well as the seats like in other cars. Also after, finally getting the key pattern down to auto start my car (no remote-start button on the fob) I found that it will start up but as soon as I open the door the car turns off. Which kind of sucks in opinion because the whole reason I got that was to feel the AC as soon as I stepped in. When I asked the dealer about the seats, he told me that the seats should tighten up alot with exposure to sun but to me it looks like that would be very wishful thinking, I mean its prety baggy and if that was the case all new cars would have baggy leather and that simply is not true. Anyway, he told me that it is covered under the 3 year 36k waranty so I can take it back if I want them replaced. So my question to you guys would be is anyone else having this issue with the remote-start and if anyone had the leather upgrade added at port were they satisfied with the job? Thanks, Adam
Toyota's lawyers strike again. Yes, the remote start turns off the car as soon as you open the door (also, after 10 minutes). It's a "safety" feature. Can't help you with the leather. Most reports I've seen say GST usually does a good job on the leather. I would insist on having it redone now. I don't believe the tighten up in the sun story, but maybe someone here knows something I don't.
i have remote start. its true that it does turn off if you open the door. minor inconvenience since it takes about 2 seconds to restart and the interior is either cool or warm depending of the time of the year.i dont use it all the time but when its blazing hot out its nice to have a cool interior.
the leather will tighten up when it sits in the sun a bit. give it about a week and then decide if you want them to do it over.
also, could you please take a picture of the port installed leather. i wonder what it looks like. is it perforated liked if you had ordered a III or VI?
No problem, I'll take some when I get home today. It is perforated and would look very nice if it weren't so baggy. Although I still wish that they laid it on the door panels as well instead of the fabric. It would have given it a much nice look and feel. If anybody else had to port added leather I'm curious if theirs got door panels.
I wouldn't trust that it's covered under warranty.. even if it's explicitly listed as covered I would bet they find a way to get out of it if you came back after 35k miles looking for new leather.
I was upset when I heard that the car shuts off once the door is opened... Then I learned that Honda's do it as well. Someone at work, who for the life of me I could not convince to get a Prius, got a Civic and had it installed. Here's the best though, not only does theirs turn off too but unlike ours where we get to use out stock fob to start the car, Honda gives you this even BIGGER fob with an lcd screen on it to show you it it running. Big deal, now he has to carry around two fobs just to remote start and still have it turn off on him when he gets in.
Ada-m, did they wrap the steering wheel with it, or is it just the seats? (I just put a deposit down on a Prius II and got the same options as you.)