I just drove to CT and back. Good and bad: GENERALLY GOOD: 387.9 miles total, combined highway and local. I think the average speed was about 45 mph. MILEAGE 59.2 Much improved over 2006. 2 BAD ITEMS- GPS- took me off RT 287 and routed me over a bridge that has been closed for quite a while- so much for the roadwork alerts. I'm used to the Garmin and the "detour" option. Some of the routing did not make any sense. It was also off by several miles in a few places. I think that for the cost, the buyer should have had options about the GPS or a better system. My sciatic nerve is now irritated. will have to figure out what is wrong with the seat position. This is about the same as the 2006. TIRES are still questionable. I've been using michelin hydroedge for about 10 years now so the handling is totally different. But, overall I'm very happy!
I'm a long distance driver and when your heading out on a long drive always take every thing out of your pants pockets especially the back pockets. Loose change is OK but wallets, keys, knife, cell phone need to be off your person. It makes a huge difference in comfort when driving for many hours. BTW I'm heading out on Vacation Friday night and I'm looking at a 19 hour 1170 mile drive ahead of me. I really enjoy this drive due to the solitude and the CD player. :rockon:
I noticed the Nav has some rather, um, 'creative' ways of getting around. But I'd only had mine for 24 hrs before I took off on an adventure so I didn't have time to learn how to play with it. Do you use the Michelins year-round? The roads around me are pretty well maintained and I'd like to avoid the winter tire syndrome. I'm looking for a reliable all-season tire - has it performed well for you in winter? Thanks!
Maggie- I put the hydroedge tires on my saturn about 2003 and when I picked up my 2006, I could not stand the noise from the goodyear tires. If you spend some time on the michelin site, you will see they are one of the highest rated passenger tires. I was very happy last spring when i had to drive in the leftovers from a snow storm. But be advised you will lose a few mpg. highly recommended. there are lots of threads about tires, and we have plenty of time before the snow flies in the northeast! Barbara