I went to my (new Prius IV) car this morning, late for work, and the keys don't open the door. So I'm guessing the battery is dead. I am usually pretty good about turning off the lights, but maybe not (the car gets driven about once week). so I took my gas guzzling benz... I live in an apartment complex, and there are cars on either side of me (and I don't know whose they are!) so I will have to call AAA. I don't have my owners manual on me, but I'm assuming there is something in there about what to do. I searched the Prius 3rd gen forums without much luck... I'm guessing as long as I am 100% sure of the positive and negative terminals, do I then go in the car and "start" it? Will the engine automatically turn on to start to charge the battery? then perhaps I should drive it for 10 or 15 minutes? Suggestions? Precautions? Your help is appreciated. Brad
The lights are supposed to turn themselves off. Even the GenII tricks for intentionally leaving the lights on aren't supposed to work anymore. I'm perplexed.
I'm a bit confused , did you do anything else after you discovered the key would not work? Did you use the mechanical key to unlock the car then try to start it? and if it wouldn't start you should be able to hold the electronic key right up next to the start button (Toyota emblem next to the button) until it beeps and then hold the brake and push the button and see if you get a power light. If so you should be good to go. Check your owner's manual starting on pg 541 for a better description. If there is indeed no power from the 12V battery then yes, you can jump it + to + and - to - as you said. Once the Power Light comes on the traction battery should start charging the 12V battery rather the engine is running or not. Of course before it can start the 12V battery has to have enough of a charge left to operate the relay that turns the car on. Try your other key as well, it may be a smart key problem rather than a 12V battery problem.
Someone else above mentioned lifting the hood; no, no,no! The 12v battery is under the deck in the 'trunk', I believe. Specific directions are in the owner's manual.
You are correct that the 12v battery is under the deck. However, that is not where you connect the jumper cables. There is a special jump start connector under the hood inside the fuse box. The jump start procedure is explained in section 5-2 of the Owner's Manual.
Hello, I was late for work and didn't do much troubleshooting. Though tonight when I got home I did! My other smart key did not work either! I used the mechanical key to unlock the door and no lights came on. I held the electric key right up to the start button and nothing beeped. I will re-read the owner's manual. AAA is in route. What if I left the inside dome light on - isn't it possible that would run out the battery? I'm scared....
It's a small 12Vbattery, I don't know how long it would take the dome light to run it down. If AAA jumps it and you get it going be sure to leave it running for a while to charge it back up. Nothing to be concerned about, yet anyway. Check pages 543-545 for jump starting procedures.
I dont recommend jumping the car from another car. use a battery charger. in any event, depanding on your options, it is possible: A. cpu failure B. Alarm failure (if you have one) or C. cable disconected. These cars have smart tech that prevent drain in such a short duration
AAA came out and jumped the car... and wouldn't you know I left the two dome lights on (for over a week). Drove the car around and we seem to be good to go! thanks for the advice...
Put a small battery charger on to bring the battery up to charge. the DC to DC converter will get it up there eventually, but I wouldn't recommend shortening the 12V AUX battery's life any further. Note - for the Gen II 12V battery, max recommended charging current is 4.2 amps, and charge time should not exceed 10 hours. I don't imagine it's changed for Gen III. In other words, don't toss a 10A charger at 10A charge current to get the job done more quickly - the battery just isn't big enough to "survive" that and still give a full service life.
Ironic since I left my two lights on in the car last night after sitting in the garage reading the manual, to link my phone to the bluetooth. When I first pushed the start botton this afternoon; had a panic attack and then looked up... both lights were on. But it started next try and things are fine. Your post was helpfull because I never thought about whether the car gets jumped the usual way. Happy driving!