Okay, yesterday I started my car and the Maintenance Reqd light came on and blinked several times. It continues to do this until the engine comes on then it stops. Now i did change my oil the other day and perhaps it is related to this since i read somewhere that you need to reset this light after changing the oil. It never came on before or after the oil change though until now a week later. Could this be all it is? Ive only had this car a couple months and have already had someone hit me and I hate to think that I also will have mechanical problems so soon!
Yes the light needs to be reset. It should tell you in the owners manual about it,but here are the steps. Make sure that the odometer is showing your miles,not Trip A or Trip B. Power down. Now push down and hold the ODO/Trip button while pushing the Power button two times ( keep holding down the ODO button and foot not on the brake ). Now watch the odometer. It should start blinking bars and they should count down to none, then show the odometer reading again. Release the odo button. That is all there is to it, :wink:
Thanks Rick, So this light is only now coming on after more than a week has gone buy? I guess if is something else it will come back on again. I will reset this afternoon before I go home. Thanks!
Well that makes sense since I never reset it in the first place and it has i think just over 4500 miles on it. Does it blink at this time just to remind you of an oil change I wonder?
If gives you a 500 mile warning by blinking for a bit. Being a bit over 5K won't void your warranty though. Toyota isn't the oil change nazi.