Hv Battery

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Supertim, May 19, 2005.

  1. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    The welder was a good thought, but I was first concerned that its output voltage was quite a bit higher than the pack, and also concerned about the charge current. Otherwise, it would be a good step.

    However, once the ICE was started, there should be a charge flow showing on the MFD, especially in park. It should definitly be evident with a higher voltage read across the battery pack once the 'boost' voltage was removed.

    Besides codes, the scanner can also display active statistics, such as battery voltage, current, MG1,2 voltage, current, speed, 12v supply voltage, etc.

    The fact that the 12V system was not showing a charge voltage of 14 volts is not a good sign, but the HV ECU may have turned it off due to an error condition. It could also be that the fusable link blew from the DC/DC converter output, though that is not likely.
  2. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    jay as a thought 220 into a full wave bridge rectifier and connected to the battery would problaby put a half charge into it? As 206 is nominal probably full charged is about 235-240 so 220 would probably bring it to about 50%. Unfortunatly no current control so would be limited by the breaker on the supply side.
  3. Supertim

    Supertim New Member

    May 18, 2005
    I agree about the battery,, I actually have been charging the aux battery with a 1.2 amp trickle charger while I have been working on the car. It seems to go dead every couple of days,, almost makes me think a diode is bad somewhere(interter?). I have not been able to download codes to you all yet,, I dont have a scanner,, I am taking them to a buddy and we are going to try on his scanner. Do you know if the inverter is bad,, would it put all of my dash lights on?? They are pretty much all on ,including the big red triangle, and did not go off when the ice did run. I found a salvage yard with a used 04 inverter and he said if I bought it and it did not work or fit he would return it.. sounds like a no loose situation.. price also seems right 750.00 .. I will keep you informed as progress goes...

  4. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon\";p=\"92822)</div>

    Yes, that sounds reasonable. Actually, with suitable filtering the capacitors should be able to maintain approx 75% before saturation, so over 200 VDC.

    You could use the plug off an electric kitchen stove or electric clothes dryer: the breaker is at least 30 amp, usually 40 amp. I made a "dongle" for my welder so I could plug it into the stove outlet or dryer outlet to avoid those long extension cords.

    I would really worry though about regulating the charge rate. Too much charge rate can either destroy the rectifier and/or cause a cell to explode. Building a regulator isn't that hard.

    First of all, a neat blast from the past: missileer technician course on theory and maintenance of vacuum tube rectifiers!


    This one is a tad more modern:


    And there are many many more examples one can Google.

    As a kid I used to play around with simple electronics, the "good 'ole days." A basic zener diode can provide regulation, or you can get extravagent with thyristors and other control circuits.

    A Google is a great place to start with getting suitable circuits and component lists. A local library, especially the Engineering library at a college, is even better.

    You should be able to build a suitable charging station for under $150.

  5. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Supertim\";p=\"92872)</div>
    Remember that although the under-dash connector looks like OBD2, the car uses a CANbus system. The scanner will have to translate CANbus.
  6. jtmhog

    jtmhog Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    2006 Prius
    Youre referring to using a scanning tool connected to the car. Supertim wants to scan the codes info he has from the dealer into a computer so he can post the data. Two different processes.
  7. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    A bad inverter will most assuredly kick up the red triangle. Should get an icon on the MFD as well.

    When you replace the inverter, be sure to get all air bubbles out of the cooling system, or you could damage the 'new' inverter.
  8. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    one other thing with the THHT you should be able to clear all the codes and then try a restart to see how many reset. It's possible that they set during the repair on the car and won't clear till reset with the THHT. If some of the HV codes are set the car might not start and run till they get cleared.
  9. Supertim

    Supertim New Member

    May 18, 2005
    Hi all,
    Still no luck on getting the codes for you all to see yet, but most of them say problem with the hv system,, We ordered the used inverter yesterday,, Hopefully will be here next week sometime,, Looks like it ought to be a b@t@h to change,, Once changed we will need to take the car to the dealer to have the hv battery charged to start the car and pray for it to charge and ultimately move!!!!! Sounds like we should get them to clear the codes on the system while it is there also...Sure would be neat if this gets this car going,, A lot of people say it cant be done in a normal garage...
  10. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon\";p=\"93210)</div>
    Right! I thought of that, and should have posted, but it didn't look like he would have access to a THHT often enough. But I certainly agree on this strategy.

    Sometimes I get calls about event error clients find on their server logs. I have them reboot and check the logs for errors that occur during and after reboot.
  11. Supertim

    Supertim New Member

    May 18, 2005

    Sorry I have been gone for awile,, I put a used invertor on the car,, I found a way to charge the hv battery with a common 2 amp battery charger , started the ice and still have almost the same problem,, My question today is,, Can anybody tell me the position of the wires on the throttle position sensor on the throttle body,, they were injured in the crash and may not have been put back corectly(My guess),, I can make the car move by manually opening the throttle body,, I am also showing 230 volts to one side of the solenoid back at the hv battery,, but the solenoid wont click to actually let the battery charge.. I am almost thinking that the computer that controls that part of the car is bad,, I have not given up hope yet..

  12. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Throttle position sensor:
    Pin 1: red (vc)
    Pin 2: pink (VTA1)
    Pin 3: Light Blue (VTA2)
    Pin 4: Brown (E2)

    Throttle motor:
    Pin 1: Pink (M-)
    Pin 2: Light Blue (M+)

    There are 3 solonoids (System Main Relays) at the battery. One controls negative terminal, one controls full positive terminal, and one provides postive through a load resistor.
    During system startup, the battery is connected through the resistor to prevent a surge of current. Once current is flowing, the other positive relay is connected to provide full current, and the resistor relay is opened.
    You probably are not getting a charge because the system is detecting a problem with ICE and doesn't want to apply an inappropriate load.

    The DTCs probably would have told you there was a problem with the throttle.
  13. Supertim

    Supertim New Member

    May 18, 2005
    Hello,, I finally got the Prius to drive,, we put 150 miles on it today,, The servo motor that controls the throttle body had a small crack in it and it must have gotten wet and shorted out,,, Bought a new throttle body and put a quick charge on the hv battery and shazzam we are driving,,, I have a couple of small bugs to work out yet ,, I am thinking my small 12 volt battery is bad,, it seems to go dead fast... I am going to do a search for my other problems before I list them,, Boy these cars sure do run good,,, Seems like I am getting around 43 miles to the gallon..
  14. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    Yaaay success at last. The 12 volt battery is quite small and won't allow you to sit with the car in acc. positon and play CD's for very long. It's the one thing I don't like about the Prius. Other than that one sweet car!
  15. Supertim

    Supertim New Member

    May 18, 2005
    Heck,, Maybe the aux battery is ok,, I am going to pull out today and do a load check on it and check the water in it,, My TOD is still on also,, I still might think that the codes need cleared and start fresh,, but car is starting and running fine... When you are interstate driving,, is the most of the power coming from the ice?? On my energy status screen it only seems to draw from the battery a short time on the interstate,, now around town it seems to use more from the battery, also the state of hv charge only seems to stay around the half to 3/4 marks,, it never seems to get fully charged .. NORMAL??? I do want to thank all of you again,, This has been a very informative forum,,,
  16. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    on the hi-way most of the power comes from the ICE driving MG1 which powers MG2 to drive the car. Around town much of the motive force is provided by MG2 and the HV battery. BSOC is nomally in the half to three quarters range and most times blue. If you can find a long hill to drive down it's possible to get it "full" and green.
  17. Supertim

    Supertim New Member

    May 18, 2005
    That is exactly what it is doing Frank,,, and thank you for the response... I put 100 miles on it today and it drives and functions perfect,,, except far these problems,,, TOD light is on,, vsc light is on the little circle with an exclamaiton point is on and in the info screen the battery light is on and the light with the car and the exclamaition point is on.. and the cruise control does not work,, I know that seems like alot of problems but you have to figure nothing worked for a long while,, so I am extremely happy.. May have to find a trustworthy dealer next,, The last dealer said the invertor was bad and that is why the car wouldn't move,, but it was the throttle body.. I would like to reset the code and start fresh now...
