Refer back to posts 8 and 9 of this topic. Maybe the reason I could see it and you could not was because we are in different regions. It only shows you what is available in your region.
If it works out cost wise you could make it into a vacation trip and drive home in your new Prius. Might even PM some of the Toyota Dealers that post on here and see what they can do for you. Good Luck.
So I called my dealership and they said I could get any car I wanted if I placed an order, but I would have to wait two months. That's fine. I can live with that.
That's right where I'm at, waiting. I ordered mine because none were available equipped the way I wanted. I won't see my car for another month or so but I'm glad I did it the way I did, now I will have just what I wanted. In the mean time I'll spend quite a bit of time on Prius Chat.
I couldn't deal with the wait knowing that the car you want is out there and probably within a few hours drive. If I would have taken the answer from my neighborhood Toyota, I would be waiting for months. Instead, I looked at all the incoming cars to my region and tracked the exact one I wanted, gave that dealership a call and two weeks later I have it. I only had to drive 2 hours away, but the lack of wait was worth it.
I may look in the Philly area, but it becomes a little complicated getting there and back. I guess I could take the train. I searched within a 50 mile radius and everything available seems to be the standard Prius III. I feel like I settled on my last car not getting exactly what I wanted. I do not want to make that same mistake again.
I have found now in Florida (Palm Beach) there are many dealers who will offer MSRP with no fee's... you just have to ask.
Do you get charged for tax before or after the title & registration fees are tacked on? I am trying to estimate the cost for my husband to see so that hopefully we can go to the dealer tomorrow. I'm planning on keeping my current plates. Not sure how that all works out either.
Be carefull if you go outside your state as some have recipricol agreements and others do not. WA has a sales tax holiday until month end on hybrids 40mpg and greater. But if I went to CA, where cars were $500 to $1,000 under MSRP I had to pay sales tax of 9%+ right on the spot unless I flatbedded it out for $500+. Yet in ID, I could leave paying none and then settle up here (if was not a hybrid would pay and since is will get a waiver). So I saved over $2,000 even paying MSRP. Don't trust the sales guys as they have not been consistant. Check with your state tax department just to be sure!
Yeah, I hate those kind of fees. Luckily, in California, they only charge a $55 "document fee". I can't believe that they charge several hundred dollars in other states!
In north Carolina, they are gouging left and right. At Victory Toyota in North Wilkesboro, N.C. The salesman told me he had a P4 for 26,9xx. He has a P3 for 26,093.00. I went up to look at the P4, and then he said they sold it to another dealer but encouraged me to look at the P3. They put Leather seats in a P3, that is where they stated the extra money was. Looked like a monkey put them in, all wrinkled and crap. Between this experience and seeing "toyoguard" "775 dollar destination fees" and "floormats 229 dollars" when I can get them online for half the price, I am irritated beyond all reasonable limits I looked at a P4 at Toyota West in Statesville, N.C. and they wanted 27,503 that included...wait for it....toyoguard, 229 mats and the hidden destination fee that wasn't even on the ticket, unless I missed it. I hate all this b.s. Friday I am going to get my checkbook, drive my clunker from dealer to dealer and see if anyone actually doesn't want to F- me.
Humm, that may be difficult to find. Anyway, as an outsider of the SET Region, I've always wondered how people on the border states of SET region bought their Toyota's locally. The South East Region has a monopoly and see to really gouge when they can with extras that 1) people don't want or 2) are way overpriced (ToyotaGuard).It's not that far from NC to VA or WV. One advantage the SET does seem to have is that they post the vehicles and people have better luck knowing what's available. Here you would have to call dealer to dealer.
Right on the money. My recommendation for someone buying in SET: 1) go to and do a search by your city first 2) then when you choose a dealer click on the model you want (ie 1225 or 1227 etc) and skip the other options and go straight to inventory (that way you can see what 1225s they have or are coming to them) and choose one that closest matches your wish or keep going to step 3. 3) Repeat this process for all dealers near you and don't be afraid to look for dealers a few hours away. (this will give you an idea if the car you like is out there somewhere) 4) If you find the car you want and the available date is a few weeks out, it is likely to be on the ship. 4 a) You can try to get a dealer to get that car for you (by doing a trade with another allocated car) 4 b) You can call the dealer that it is going to and negotiate by phone ahead of time, put a deposit if you come to terms and they will remove that car from SET's available, when it comes to port it will be sent straight to them without wait. I just used this method and found my exact Prius III Blizzard Pearl/Dark Gray interior without Toyoguard or any dumb add-ons. I tried method 4b had to travel 2 hours to Valdosta but I got exactly what I wanted at slightly below MSRP and they gave me floor mats with the car for free. ***If you "build a car or look through all of SET's inventory, the site will always default to your home zip, so you wont be able to see where those cars are really going. It is best to search by each dealer.*** Also, you might get lucky like me and find a dealer that is nice enough to remove the port added options if the car has not arrived at port yet. My car did not have any add-ons, but my sales guy said he would do that for someone else looking for a Toyota with him. Good luck!
i got the prius II for 25300 something, i didnt really needed the jbl and bluetooth. thanks for the help guys!
Hey, I'm also in NC (Gastonia) and looking to use 'cash for clunkers' to buy a Prius. I don't know if you're interested, but maybe we could meet at the same dealership and tell them we are ready to buy. If they can make 2 quick sales, maybe they would be more inclined to give a good deal. BTW - someone in another thread said Toyota in Asheville is giving about $200 off MSRP with no silly fees/add-ons.
Same thing happens in North Carolina. I got two different "tax/title" prices from two different dealerships, but when I actually got there, they separated out the fees and the one dealership had some kind of $75 convenience fee. It seems like they add up a bunch of stuff and just call it "tax/title."
I once got a class action settlment (maybe $100 of my next car or something like that) for being over-charged for the DMV fees. I can't remember if that's when I bought my Tercel or my Corolla.
Kelly Blue Book says that a new Prius iv with solar roof should go for about $29,400. Does that seem reasonable? I am buying soon in Long Island.