Okay, this is probably a pretty juvenile thread, I admit it. But yesterday I was heading to work on a stretch of split highway. It was kind of empty, coming towards me in the opposite direction and lanes was a 2010 White Toyota Prius with the sunroof opened. In my opinion, it looked great. Straight on with the sunroof opened it almost gave the entire automobile a different look. I could only describe it as modern but understated. But I was really impressed. With the sunroof opened there really isn't anything on the road that looks like it. Very cool. My only problem, is I had pretty much talked myself entirely out of getting the sunroof. I have communicated before that I want one, but don't really want the solar panel. After seeing the sunroof yesterday, I'm back at square one of this personal debate. It's alright, I've gotten advice on this before. Sooner or later I'll just make a decision. Yesterdays fly by, has me leaning towards the more difficult wait for a sunroof and just living with the solar panel, even though I don't think I really want the solar panel and ventilation system. Anyway, in juvenile like enthusiasm I just wanted to share my impressions. I have seen the 2010 parked. This was the first time I actually saw one with the sunroof, opened and from a almost straight on approach view in motion. It really had an impressive unique look in my opinion. The way the sunroof opens, and with the deflector it really makes the whole vehicle change personalities.
Get it or you'll regret it for many years to come. If I hadn't gotten my V in black, I would've gone for package IV in blizzard pearl and sunroof.
I really enjoyed my 780 mile trip home from the dealer - with the sunroof open! I've had sunroofs on all my cars since 1982. I think because this one is pretty much as wide as the whole car roof, it has a much more open feel than any other sunroof I've had. It also seemed quieter. I was listening to an audio book on the ride and only had to turn it up a couple of clicks to hear it just fine with the roof full open. The solar panel part of the deal is pretty cool too. Not cold - but cool. I forgot all about it the first day on the road and after leaving the car in the hot sun for about an hour, got in and felt the breeze from the fan. The car was definitely hot inside - but not a furnice - not even close. (I forgot all about the remote AC!) If you can swing it, get the Solar Package - it is very sweet and like 32kcolors said - if you don't you'll regret it. Just my dos centavos.
The large sheet of glass, as opposed to the usual horizontal window surrounded by metal, does look pretty impressive. It has the same shortcoming as black cars though... showing dirt. Mine always seems to have spots, despite the fact that the silver paint of the car appears flawless. The setup is a mixed blessing for looks. For usefulness, love it. .
I wasn't sure about the benefits of the SR but now that I have mine, I am more than happy with it. I have never had one before, but this is just great!
Can someone just clarify to me, is there just one type of a sun roof for the Prius 3, or are there two types, ie. a "traditional" one and a one with the solar/cooling feature?
When you order the "Solar Sunroof" Option for your car, you get both - a big beautiful sunroof and a solar panel that powers the fans that cool the car as it sits in direct sunlight. They do not come as separate goodies on the 2010 - only packaged up together.
Hi: Don't know if you have seen this yet, but I just noticed this in a thread that might be of interest to you if you would like to have the 'Tech' Pkg and get a Non-Solar Sunroof: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/65510-aftermarket-sunroof.html Just more food for thought....... All the best..... Edward Marystown, Newfoundland Canada
Thanks to everyone for the advice and information. Ultimately, I think I'd enjoy either choice I end up making. It's really a no lose situation. Right now, I'm missing the prime sunroof time in the NW anyway.
By the way, I have a 14-foot KAYAK over mine at this very moment. The glass does not interfere with the use of a roof-rack at all, which is a very pleasing thing to have finally confirmed. .
I think the look of the open solar roof on the 2010 Prius is incredibly cool in a futuristic way, especially on the Blizzard Pearl because of the contrast. The usual moonroof, or an aftermarket moonroof, are not the same. I like the way the black moonroof/solar panel extends the full width and length of the roof. If it weren't for the roof, I probably wouldn't consider the 2010 in spite of all the other new features. The exterior/interior redesign and overall mpg increase are nice, but aren't in themselves different enough from the Gen 2 for me to feel it would worth upgrading at this point. I wish I could get the technology package too -- the dynamic cruise control is something I would be very interested in too.
The Moonroof solar package truly makes the car stand out, I told the Stealership I would except nothing else, never settle a PriusIV on order with the Moonroof solar package...
I think it would have had me sold if the sun roof actually would turn on the AC in the car and keep the inside at a set temperature.... not just a fan. For me, with what is offered, I am getting the V with Navigation, in Florida, having a sunroof is a 1-2 month a year option, as it is so hot here. It is like having a hot tub attached to your pool, nice to have, just not used often down here. I rather the 17inch rims, LED lights, and fog lamps...
Absolutely the sunroof looks cool! I was at the mall on the weekend, and I stopped at a crosswalk to let a pedestrian by. The guy (around early twenties) was staring at my Prius to the point of nearly walking backwards as he went by. It was pretty funny. My wife was like, "why is he staring like that?" I think Prius' with sunroofs are pretty rare here still... I haven't even come across another 2010 yet (though I know they're out there somewhere!), but on the other hand, I see tons of gen II's every single day.
I've seen 2 Winter Greys (different plates) and my bro saw a BlueRM. The blue was a base or a premium and the greys were premium w/solar.