Need opinions on an idea I had for breaking in our soon to be picked up Blue Ribbon Metalic V w/ At. We pick up our car on, or before, 8/3/2009 in Olathe, Kansas, we live in Springfield, Missouri, it's a distance of around 225 miles. From there to here it's ALL Interstates (I44 & I71) and those Interstate speeds are 70 MPH. I deduced that driving the car home for that distance, at those speeds, wouldn't be advantageous to the break in process. There would be virtually NO brake use, and valves, rings and seals would NOT be given an opportunity to seat properly. So my brilliant idea take EVERY exit off the Interstate (usually they're around 15-30 miles apart), stop at the intersecting road, and continue ahead onto the on ramp back onto the Interstate. This would vary the engine speed and employ acceleration and decelleration, not allowing the engine to operate at a continuous setting for an extended period of time, and also allow the brakes to be used at a relatively normal rate. This way the car would be stopped and started every few miles, varying the engine speed and utilizing the brakes. This seems like a plausable idea as opposed to just driving home at 70 MPH for 225 miles, which would NOT do for a sensible break in! Let me know what you think, maybe someone has another idea that would be far superior. THANKS EVERYONE! David (aka Blind Guy) P.S. PLUS, this trip will permit us to experiment with DRCC and LKA!
Your plan sounds interesting, assuming you have time available to complete this trip in this way. For that matter you could simply use the non interstate highway roads nearby. Go a little slower and use a bit less fuel. One way that Prius differs from conventional drivetrains is that it is almost always varying the gas engine speed and its load. Even very subtle terrain features or wind will cause this. Therefore a constant vehicle speed break in does not present the usual disadvantages to a Prius. I suggest only that you make the first engine oil change ahead of Toyota's schedule. Drive it however you like!
Hummmmmmm, interesting concept, would make a GREAT alternative to the planned trip, sounds like fun, since time is NO object! THANKS!!! David (aka Blind Guy)
I would simply not use cruise control and purposely vary my speed say between 55 and 70. And a few extra stops to make the trip more enjoyable will also aid break in. Have a great trip and enjoy your new Prius !!!
I prefer Touchatihu's idea. Get a Missouri map and route yourself on the 2 lane roads and through small towns. I think that would be a lot more fun than using freeways for the whole trip. Maybe you could even use your new nav system, just enter all the small towns you want to go through as destinations and go from one to the next. I don't think the Toyota nav will let you enter way points like some Garmins wil.
Come on! You telling us that there are no country or local roads in Kansas? I say use the old 'flip a coin, heads you go left at an intersection, tails you go right'. Have fun. See where you end up! :rockon:
1) I don't buy the whole 'break in period' thing for modern vehicles, so it isn't something I'd lose a lot of sleep over. 2) At Google Maps you can route from Olathe to SGF and then under options select "avoid highways" and you get from: Olathe, KS to: Springfield, MO - Google Maps 3) This is a great time to play with your new NAV in the Prius (if you got it) can also select routes that avoid highways with that.
Hi David -- I drove a distance to pick up my car and intentionally plotted a trip back via state routes and business routes. Took longer, but I got to figure out the nav system and enjoy the sunroof while I did a little discovery of areas I had only whizzed by. Have a great trip exploring!