Had an accident which put a small 1" tear in my bumper. I think that I can repair it by simply gluing it back in place . What type of epoxy or glue would work on the bumper. I could go the insurance route but that involves a replacing the whole bumper which might effect my insurance rate. Thanks FishHawk
Not sure of your deductible but mine is $500 which is exactly what 3 body shops quoted me to fix 2 little scratches in the rear bumper. Bumper cover has to come off. 3m automix'ed filled (rubber repair) ...sanded...primed..sanded..painted... and then re-installed. New bumper cover along is like $300 plus all of the above. No quick fix unless you want to go ghetto. And thats just for rubber deep scratches. Carsmedic said about $350 out the door though without taking the bimper off and feathering in the spot which will look like nice person 3 month later. Depends on how bad you can stand your car to look. Just gluing a tear back in will look horrible. Me?...the 2 little scratches don't bother me. I'm waiting till someone douches me at a light so they can pay for it as so many people seem to enjoy flying up to me when I'm stopped at a light. Either way Ins company will prob. not be involved.
I like bumper stickers. Also, depending on its exact location, those glue on bumper protection strips can cover it nicely, about $20