I'm selling my HOV stickers since my car has been totalled. I have never put them on the car and they are brand new with the instructions. There is a set of 4 and I believe that they are no longer available in CA. I really don't drive on the freeways, which is why I never used them, but I hear that you are allowed to park for free at meters in certain areas in LA. Please email me if you have questions or are interested! I will miss my prius, I'm very sad that it's gone..... payco 21 at yahoo.com
This is illegal. Let me clarify: You might be able to sell them as a novelty item but that might even be illegal since they technically belong to DMV, but no one else can use them. They are registered to your car just like a license plate. All you can do, since your Prius was totaled, is buy a new Prius and contact DMV with proof your car was totaled and request new stickers for your new Prius, should you choose to replace it with a new Prius. Look up 5205 et seq CVC.
Buyers beware! Owning HOV stickers that does not belong to your vehicle is a misdemeanor according to CA vehicle codes. For seller, it is not legal to sell (though I can't find the codes for that at the moment). You could buy a new Prius and transfer your "unused" stickers to the new Prius (or another qualified hybrids) - then, you can sell the vehicle if you want to.
Thanks, I'm told by a friend in law enforcement that it would never be prosecuted and they don't take down VIN numbers anyways. I checked before I decided to sell them. But it seems to me, that someone else can get something out of them, where as I will not, unless I buy another hybrid....
Illegal is illegal no matter what your "friend in law enforcement" says. Besides, CA now allows you to transfer your HOV stickers to a new hybrid if your car was totaled. See here: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/forms/reg/reg1000.pdf, scroll to Section C.
If you can find out from the DMV if you can transfer these to another car I will buy them from you @ a responable price, PM me
The only way is for OP to buy a qualified hybrid and transfer his stickers to the newly accquired hybrid. Once done, he is free to sell it to you. You, as a new owner, still need to transfer the ownership of the stickers just like the way you transfer title. I hope this is clear to you. P.S. Your friend is in law enforcement?... God bless USA. My advice: Don't even trust your own lawyer, let alone your law enforcement friend...