That's the deal a Missouri truck dealer is offering new customers who buy a pick-up truck in August. Mark Muller, owner of Max Motors in Butler, says he knows people will be bothered by the promotion. But not to worry, Muller is not handing out free guns. Instead, he will give buyers a voucher to use at a gun store after they obtain a license to carry a concealed weapon. The AK-47 is an upgrade on a previous promotion in which Muller gave away vouchers for the price of a Caltec pistol. Missouri Car Dealer Offers Free AK-47 With New Truck - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
Interview at [ame=""]Video - Breaking News Videos from[/ame]. There's quite a bit of chatter about this in the TiVoCommunity Happy Hour - General Chit-Chat forum. In some sense, this is genius. This dealer's getting a ton of free publicity now.
... because there just aren't enough hicks with guns in the USA! "... so the guns will only end up in the right hands." My interpretation of this is he will only sell trucks to scrap metal dealers with gun crushing equipment. Yes, "How bout that guy that just had him and his wife killed that had the 12 children, with the 7 guys coming through the door ..." That AK47 was not likely to be in his pocket when completely without notice 7 guys busted into his home, I would hope with kids in the house the AK47 would be locked up and not loaded. Pretty useless to defend yourself against 7 dirt bags who may have stolen their guns from legal gun owners. They may have stolen the guns from the next door neighbour who just got a free AK47 with his gas sucking pickup truck. More guns, more shootings.
When will come times, when they will finally sell portable hydrogen bombs in those gun stores? The ultimate self defense weapon.
On the topic of those evil guns and homicides, I was a hell of a lot safer living in Utah, than I am living here in Manitoba For example, according to latest reporting, the state of Utah - with 2.7 million people - has 48-59 homicides per year, depending on year - Homicides Down in Utah in '06 Manitoba - with a population of 1.1 million - has the highest homicide rate in Canada CTV Winnipeg- Manitoba murder province of Canada - CTV News, Shows and Sports -- Canadian Television at 62 murders. This is despite fairly strict gun control. One may recall the Harry Potter actor who was stabbed to death in London Harry Potter actor knifed to death in London brawl - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) If one factors in the number of missing persons, our true homicide rate is much, much higher than published. This is true of the US, Canada, UK, Australia, etc. Of course, a country would *never* lie about the statistics, would they? Violent crime up 22% as Home Office admits police are under-recording serious offences for ten years | Mail Online Having lived half my life in Utah, and around 10 years here, I'm still very surprised at how violent Canadians in this part of Canada are.
W54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition - SADM Why not? . . . suitcase sized nukes have been around for over 4 decades yea, you guys are pretty up there: . . . . but consider the author's reason why us Montanans are safe food for thought! our home city in so cal is way safe too ... some attribute that to the high amount of retired police ... not that they carry guns .
Actually, never lived in Orem. Know a couple who do, and visit with them. Have lived in Salt Lake City - near the U, Park City, and St George. Compairing SLC to Winnipeg, SLC is far, far safer. Compare the rate and total number of homicides, vehicle theft, serious assaults, sexual assaults, etc, SLC is a tranquil oasis compared to a hellhole like Winnipeg I used to always think SLC was a crime ridden, decaying pit of a city. Then I lived in Winnipeg, and saw the light
Sigmund Freud: "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." The Dalai Lama: "If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) Mohandas K. Gandhi: "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.
Shouldn't this be in Fred's House of idiots politics? I would post there, but I lack the intellectual rigor to refute their arguments.
Why, of *course* you do! Here, try this one The Garotte Of course, you'd have to be *very* sneaky to catch me by surprise in one of those things