Heads up! Toyota is considered a more prestigious brand in other countries than the US. For example, the Lexus RX was branded as Toyota Harrier in Japan until 2008. Most Lexus have HUD (although as a very pricey option). We're getting 1-2 generation(s) ago technologies in the Toyota (particularly the NAV system) in the US so you'll likely have to wait up to 6 more years.
I haven't had much luck wiht LKA. I think it may be useful on a long trip just as an alarm in case I get road hypnosis. Of all the AT features, the only one I really love is the adaptive cruise control.
Yeah i've had my share of bad drivers (how 'bout one that was reviewing for a midterm on the way to school?) All 3 things that you listed are assist systems so they don't take over the car entirely.
Got a better image of HUD giving NAV directions from the European Press Pack CD (kindly supplied by Wooski) Enjoy
Add the accident avoidance to my list that I missed. They do operate the steering, go pedal/brakes, etc. so it's what I would consider more than just an assist. It's almost like having a passenger reaching over and taking over! Standard cruise control, NAV, even the range to empty display is an assist, know what I mean? The others are clearly a step beyond.
I wonder if the press pak 'enhanced' that image? It looks remarkably clear! If that's unretouched that is awesome!
Nylion, Try using the LKA for a while. It took some time to get used to it. I tended to over adjust at first. I used it two nights ago, was surprised it worked at night, and it really helped with keeping the vehicle in the lane. It took some time to get used to and i really wish Toyota had given more information in the owners manual.
It was an overcast day, it really is that clear against a dark background. Not seen the nav instructions but the speedo on HUD is clear as a bell. It is green.