Thursday I showed two summer hires my wife's 2010 Prius and thought I'd describe my approach: Drive to some safe, low, traffic area with a large parking lot - this is to let the newbies experience the car without being concerned about operating the car. I like to have the seat behind the driver down so whoever sits in the back can see how much space is available. Once you start the car, turn on the A/C and show how it puts out cold air even if the engine is not running. As for the drive, nothing special other than to cycle the displays and small-talk about the experience. Answer their questions with the facts and data ... calm confidence and mostly enjoy the trip. Cruise control is your friend so you don't have to worry so much about speed control. Do some errand at the remote site - this lets them think about other things, to relax. Get a beverage (or potty break,) walk around, or anything that is apart from the Prius. You want them to have a "Oh, here is the Prius" experience again when the walk back to the car. Ask "who wants to run it around the parking lot" - this gets one of them in the driver seat and a chance to adjust the mirrors and seat ... to 'fit.' Let them drive around and introduce things like the EV button, now that the car is warmed up and battery charged. If there are two, you sit in the back "to get a better view of the driver" and so they both get 'front seat time.' When approaching a parking exit, ask "How about driving us back?" - this lets them decide if they feel comfortable with the car and driving back to the starting place. Navigation is solved and they've already seen the car doesn't take any special handling. But best of all, now they can enjoy 'the ride' and 'operate the display controls.' No need to fiddle with the cruise control or other special stuff. Do the walk around at the end - now that they are unstressed by the drive, show the storage space, spare (point to the battery) and general access. This leaves them with an understanding of how big the Prius is inside. If there were some skeptic claims raised earlier, show them how the Prius handles it. I've done this several times and it seems to work well. No one is 'stressed' by the test drive because the easy part is driving back to the start. It does take more time than the typical, time-limited "Sherman's march" sales demo drive but it also makes a lasting impression. Comments? Suggestions? Bob Wilson
Did I gather that you are a Toyota salesperson? If not, are you getting a commission from them? ound:
I've already been rewarded with a trip to Detroit and chance to see the autoshow. I'm just trying to repay the favor. Bob Wilson
Very generous of you, I'd say! I'm still sitting in the car every evening with the owner's tome trying to understand what's what - especially in relation to all the display options. In fact, I'd be happy to meet you in the parking lot to get a lesson!!
There were bunch of us back in January who got invited to the Prius unveiling in Detroit. Many of the usual suspects and a couple of international friends. It was special and the only reason I was invited was probably because I hadn't 'pissed off' the right people, yet. <GRIN> Seriously, there are folks who have been long-time, Prius advocates, look at their posting counts, and you'll get a clue. But instead of asking them in public, send them a PM as many are still keeping a 'low key'. But I can tell you these are folks who have researched and posted the facts and data when hybrid-skeptics 'made sh*t up.' Some of us have done 'interesting experiments' and others have been early adopters. But one thing for sure, we knew the Prius was a winner and have stood up for the car when skeptics were shooting off their mouths off. There are no guarantees in life and certainly, no one who attended the January Detroit presentation were working 'for a ticket.' We actually like our Prius (mine is a 2003 NHW11) and don't mind 'correcting the record' of lies, misunderstandings and BS published by the ignorant or lazy or corrupt media. Now Toyota asked us to be quiet about Detroit but it has already 'leaked out.' I'm not bragging but rather answering a simple question about whether or not I work for Toyota ... but in fact it is kinda like asking a member of the Corvette owners group or a Mustang association if they work for GM or Ford ... no but we all sure do enjoy our hobby, which is almost as if we do work for them. <GRINS> I have no problem with showing off our new 2010 Prius because no article or hand-waving or commercial can really substitute for the reality. I'm careful about when and where and share this experience with friends, neighbors and co-workers. I want them to understand a little, to get a taste. It doesn't mean they'll run out and buy one but it does mean when some bit of anti-hybrid nonsense shows up, they can ask me and 9 times out of 10, I already know the answer. <wink> Now multiply that effect by your own circle of family and friends and think of the effect. All hybrids are approaching about 3% of all vehicles sold each year. By sharing the experience with others, we multiply that number and remove the ignorance that liars feed upon. We provide "word of mouth" support that can't be bought. Bob Wilson
A separate thought but I need to explain I'm an engineer and greatly admire the 2010 Prius and the engineering that went into it. But the car I'm showing off is just another part, another thing, a beautiful thing but not l'objet d'art. Our individual Prius is a tool, a means to an end: better and more affordable transportation. If it were to be destroyed or lost, we would replace it with another Prius and be just as happy with the replacement. So when you see our Prius, they may have a few dings or stains or other evidence of a hard life of service. That is as it should be. If you want a "Prius in a jar," that is not us. So I have no problem with letting friends and family try it out. Bob Wilson
Send a PM to good Prius friend Hobbit. I think he is in your neck of the woods and he is a world class Prius expert ... for a reward, let him drive it around a bit. <GRINS> Bob Wilson
ROFL Bill, from your posts with tests, charts and graphs it is evident that you are an engineer! My dad was one as is my brother. I recognized the key characteristics of the species! I wouldn't want to do what you do (take after mom), but I appreciate your efforts and the input. Thanks!
I don't have a 3rd gen, but my demos, esp. when my 06 was new and a lot of its features were still uncommon on cars <$30K, I'd show them the cargo space, the HV battery, the MFD, nav system/voice recognition (entering an address by MFD and voice, showing arrow guidance and saying things like "I'm hungry"), Bluetooth phone support, SKS and shifter. I'd also roll down the windows and demonstrate driving around in stealth mode and let them hear the electrical whines. I then pop the hood and point out the inverter and 2nd coolant tank. I generally am rather wary of having others drive my car and have only done that once. She was in the market for a car and I trusted her.