My friend is in the market for a new car and is seriously considering a 2010 Prius. However, the dealership will only sell it to him at sticker price. How common is this? How much over invoice should be be paying? Thanks, Dan
At this point, most people are paying sticker price. Some people are managing to get small discounts, $500 +/- and a very fortunate few get more than that. If your friend can wait a bit to buy the car, there's a chance that as the supply begins to move closer to the demand, that discounts will become more common. It also depends on the model he wants and options - sunroofs or a V with ATP are in very short supply and I don't expect them to be discounted much at all.
There's no blanket answer, it's region specific. Demand is generally higher on the left coast and NE for example and sticker or sticker plus might be the going rate. In these regions if the dealer finds exactly what you want right now, you may have to pay sticker or more. In other regions, rural Midwest for example people have bought for $250 to $500 under MSRP with no dealer or port options (except mats seem to be common). If anyone tells you they've gotten a bigger discount, be sure to ask if a trade was involved as selling price could be exaggerated by an equally exaggerated but opposing trade in value. I am holding out for a bigger discount but it could be months if ever, time will tell.
Same subject different location...
I knew I wouldn't get much of a deal on a new Prius (demand plus the fact they've only been on sale here a couple of weeks), so I payed sticker for the car but had them throw in a remote starter for free ($558), figuring the dealer has a way bigger markup on the add-ons and so would be more willing to deal with those.
I have a 2010 Prius II in silver on order. I am paying $22,470. The only options included are Bluetooth and floormats. This is in southern California.
There may be a risk in waiting another couple of weeks. It will be interesting to watch price and supply if the response to the Cash for Clunkers program is effective in drawing buyers to the new car showrooms. There is a lot of hype right now about how popular this program will be; it remains to be seen if the hype materializes into real sales. I've seen some reports ahat suggest if Cash for Clunkers is effective, it could push the popularity of Prius and other Hybrids, tightening supply for several months. TK
MSRP seems to be about right in general. You may be able to negotiate a little on the cost of options and accessories. If you're a Costco member, you might be able to save a little more using their car buying program. Higher option packages have a higher margin so the dealer MAY be willing to discount a little more, for instance, on a V than they would on a II.
Dan, in some areas of the country, MSRP is a deal... and in others with a higher volume of cars, it's the norm, and pretty average. There are 4 different packages of Prius, and the II and III package cars sold at MSRP are a decent deal for the buyer and a mediocre deal for the dealership. Till you get up to a well equipped car, ie. a IV or V, the profit margins are not what was expected, and certainly not what was the norm for the 2009's and back. I think that MSRP on the east coast is a decent deal. Your area of the USA gets a lot fewer cars than my SoCal area. It would be nice, in theory if your friend could bargain down a tad but it may not be the way dealers sell in CT. And, with all of those little states all close to one another and bunched together, it may be fortuitous for him/her to make some calls and just see what other states close by are doing? I don't know how hard an out of state sale is in CT though... but I do know what certain models are very hard to find out there. Good luck to you in helping his quest! Di
It will be interesting to see what the owners of clunkers go for. I wouldn't assume that the majority will want Hybrids.
I know Hyundai is doing booming business. In fact, the local Hyundai dealer is doing so well, that there is a $2,000-$4,000 "market adjustment" added to the sticker (which is already ~$2,000 over MSRP compared to I'm not sure when these prices went into effect, but it has been since the beginning-middle of June when I checked after hearing about Cash for Clunkers.
I have a IV w/Solar Package on order and found the same as your friend. I could not find a dealer that would discount at all. Most dealers did not even seem interested in selling me the car. I finally found a dealer that seemed interested in earning my business. They included a few oil changes but that was it. They were excellent in following up with me and emailing and phoning me so that is who I bought from. I did wind up getting a great deal on my trade in. Sometimes you have to pay for what you want.
Dealers in Northern VA is not discounting the 2010. At least they are not the V which seem to be in short supply.
I speak only for the 'majority of one' that I represent - trading a '99 Durango for a 2010 Model V. From 12 MGP to 50. It's time .....
No way. $25800 for a III with SR pkg. That's a tad over $1500 off MSRP. I ordered and offered a couple hundred over invoice to the dealership. I ended up a few hundred higher than I wanted to be but still ~$5-6k lower than a comparably equipped Fusion hybrid.
Did you try Koons in Tyson's Corner? They stopped doing that, but with the right person you can get it.
Outlander, Where and at which dealership did you end up buying your 2010 Prius? Dealers down here where I live are charging a few thousand above MSRP easy, without discounting. Thanks
I was shopping around, and everywhere was charging msrp + dealer fees. Yesterday I got the dealer to give me the IV in BP, with Solar and mats for $30,300. I put my $100 deposit and hopefully I'll have it soon super excited. I'm going to try and get the door sills for free, but I doubt it.