About a month ago I filled it up. The Energy screen consumption meter has been stuck on 44.3 since. I have filled it up since then also. No matter how I drive it only changes from 44.3 to 44.4. Very odd. No cel's & no performance issues. Runs perfect. The instantaneous consumption meter on the consumption screen reacts widely just like it should. It tracks gas pedal usage like always. When I glide it shows 99.9 and when heavy accel it shows 10 or 20 whatever. The yellow bars are correct too.And I only use Mobil or Shell 87 octane gas. When I hypermill no change. And I can spend all day doing errands around town and no change which I know is bogus. Usually all day errands kills me and puts it into 40 mpgs and days of good driving to get it back to 48-49.But the averaged out usage on the Monitor always now shows 44.3. I am going to try to disconnect the boot battery first for a reset. If no joy its....horrors....the dealer. Cue scary organ music....
To reset the average consumption, have you tried pressing the Reset button icon on the consumption screen?
If you don't reset it you'll get a lot of miles to "average out" and the number won't change much for a long time, even if you drive like an maniac. I reset mine at every fillup. The reset button is on the bottom right of the screen with the 5 min. bars.
Mine had a glitch once after I reset it after a refuel where the number wanted to stay at something ridiculously low like 24. I hit reset again and it apparently cleared itself.
To reiterate, if you don't hit reset you are looking at a lifetime mpg since the last reset. Thus, the more miles since the prior reset, the less variation you'll see. This applies to 2006+ MY Prii. The'04 & '05 auto reset after each fill up.
The longer you let that gauge run, over many tanks, it WILL average out. The longer you let it go, the less and less it is going to change.
My 2007 also would reset its self after a fill up. I never could figure out how to stop it from doing that, so I just reset it myself each time. Now have to figure out the 2010 and see how it works, on my first tank and still at 5 pips.
And the more miles in the count, the more refined the average becomes - but it appears the meter isn't changing.
Sorry I wasn't more clear. Yes I hit the reset button every fill up. I don't go by average. I reset the consumption meter and the A Trip odo also. In fact I hit the rest button again today and after 20 miles of driving it ran right up to 44.3 and stayed there. Wacky. The other screen meter that shows instantaneous and the yellow bar usage is working fine. Instant usage tracks I see 99.9 on decelerate...and low like 10-20-25 when accelerating. battery usage looks right on and and the yellow bars track perfect. But the average on the other screen is just stuck for a better word. There's parts of town I can EV after a 18 mile commute and get my average up to 50 and there's early parts of the trip I can dog it down to 40. Not so now. It climbs up to 44.3 as fast as it can and sticks there. I'm going to reset the boot this weekend. Wish me luck and thanks for all the replies!