In the 1930's millions of American lost their jobs. It was worse for the Russians: Stalin killed millions in the Great Purge. His hatchet man was [ame=""]Nikolai Yezhov[/ame] Like many of his men, Nikolai fell out of favor and was executed. Famously, Nikolai was "photoshoped out of pictures" With Stalin After falling our of favor While that was a photoshop-like job, this picture will get your attention. It was NOT photoshoped And his nickname was "Blackberry". Here it is. Believe it or not.
The linked picture--and IMO it does look expertly photoshopped. Another picture--no resemblance at all.
If it was photoshoped, it's embarrassing that Wikiapedia posted that picture without even a discussion of it.
Who is this supposed to look like? It is a tiny bit like Reagan, but there doesn't seem to be much depth of field to the picture,and that tends to homogenize pictures Charlie
I just happened to run across it on Wikipedia on The Great Purge, then clicked on Yezhov...I Googled and apparently I was not the only one to reach the same conclusion. They say it's not photoshoped, but I have a conspiracy theory the Soviets stole a time machine in Roswell and attempted to mess up America's timeline in the early 21st century. Again, I'd though Wikiapedia would have used another picture to make sure it was not photoshoped.
In that era, The White Russians were the old monarchists. The Red Russians were the Commies. The Black Russians were .... ? ....