[FONT="]It has been part of the art rituals of many cultures for many centuries, from the Ainu of Japan to the Berbers to the Polynesians to the Micronesians and so many others—this practice of ink pigmentation and body modification.[/FONT]
Re: What's with all the tattoos? I think that it is about time to take tattoos to the next level - Corporate Sponsorship. Yes, you to can make real money by having tattoos of the logo's of companies that you identify with: McDonald's, Verizon, Coke, Chevron with Techron, Apple, AT&T, GM, Calvin Klein, Ford Pinto, Sony Walkman, Bush / Cheney in 2004, Enron, Pets.com, etc. Keith
Re: What's with all the tattoos? Love you Boston avatar we've got two boston terriers..they are great,great dogs... oops oh yeah ......... I would have hoped that we as a society had grown beyond worrying about things like tats... regards Froley
Re: What's with all the tattoos? You are right, I am a matured aged person, but I do not have a problem with Tatoos. I would not have one personally, not because I do not like them, but because I am a wimp. I don't like pain. Some tatoos are very nice.
I'm not a tat fan. I look ugly enough now without adding a tat that seemed like a good idea at the time but in a few years will be faded and no longer relevant.
Re: What's with all the tattoos? You certainly are NOT ugly. If your Son was to get a tatoo, I am sure you would support him. I have one Son with tatoos, and I must admit I quite like them. If you were to get a tatoo Pat, I am sure it would be quite sexy.
What I found to be a turn off on women is the C..patch, or target above their rump. Wait until they get older and the ink fades, their skin sags and gets wrinkled, that patch looks horrible. There is a lady here who had one done oh so many years ago, and every once in a while it gets exposed. There is a trend these days with young women that I find to be just, I don't know, ick. They tend to shave bald and have tats in areas no respectable person would have a stranger touch. That and the facial piercings, double ick, I just want to rip them out. Those with nose lumps, looks like they have a wart growing out the side of their nose. Piercings and tats should enhance, not detract, and unfortunately most of what women do detract from their looks.
Re: What's with all the tattoos? I believe the technical term for a tattoo in that location is "tramp stamp."
Re: What's with all the tattoos? Actually around here it's called a Come Catcher. Speeled wrong on purpose.
Re: What's with all the tattoos? Is no one going to come to the defense of the tattooed girls? World's Hottest 101 Women With Tattoos for 2007 Top 100 Sexiest Women and How Many Have Tattoos -- By Vince Hemingson I'm sure none of you would touch any of these disgustingly mutilated women with a 10 foot pole. Times change, tastes change. Yes, I'm biased... I'm young, attractive and have a beautiful and meaningful to me "tramp stamp". Like most other girls, I chose that location for a tattoo because it's easy to keep hidden if you want to, not because it's a good place to aim. Dave PH, I love that skit. I agree many people go overboard with the body modifications and are going to look horrendous as seniors!
Re: What's with all the tattoos? Well, that's it...It's a generational thing. And like any other trend or style, some people do it well and carry it off gracefully, and other people don't. I'm sure you are lovely and your tattoos are very nice. Me, I'm too old and I'm afraid of pain, but people do what they want to do and I wouldn't be surprised if both my kids end up with tattoos.
There are quita a few on that list I wouldn't touch starting with Angelina. Maybe Jessica Albsa's tatoos are fake?
Re: What's with all the tattoos? I stumbled across this site today. (kinda NSFW) Worst Tattoos on Women - Lemondrop.com Maybe you guys are right, it might be time for the tattoo trend to die...
Re: What's with all the tattoos? +1 do want. So, um...you doing anything later? :hat: * * This is supposed to be funny
Re: What's with all the tattoos? Ok Moner, that is not fair, all those women would be sexy with or without Tatoos ! The problem with them is that they are permanent. It might means something today and look beautiful on a firm and young body but it might involves it something less meaningful with years ! My mother in law has that kind of misshapen mark on the upper part of her breast that once has been a butterfly ! (Usually, the caterpillar evolves into a beautiful flying insect, but in the case of my mother in law's tatoos, it has been the opposite !)
Re: What's with all the tattoos? Would this hurt? http://priuschat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=16807&stc=1&d=1248062634
Re: What's with all the tattoos? IMO... SO MANY otherwise beautiful people ruin themselves w/ tattoos. Perhaps they like them, and good for them if they do, but I wonder how many just do it for attention or as a trend or w/e else.