So many Americans complain about the cost of gasoline. Even during the spike in pricing last summer, we're still about half of Euro areas (or much more compared to some countries). So, Portugal = about $7.00 gallon. U.S. is probably around $2.60, for 87 octane used in the Prius, right now. How about other countries? Also, I recall a news report a few years ago that there was a 5km stretch of road in Portugal that was the most dangerous in the world. More traffic accidents than anywhere on the globe. Whoops, just noticed - this is SO off-topic for the thread.... sorry.
After having my dealer change their story from early August to 3-6 months, I contacted Dianne in CA and she has one for me that I will get around early August. :-D Only about 2 weeks to go!!!
Officially placed an order!!!! Or a "preference" if that's the politically correct term now. Blue IV with roof headed to Morgantown? The fiance's fingers are crossed.
I haven't yet--I won't have the car for about 2 weeks. I'm leaning toward eithe BKWORM or YMMV though.
Just picked up our Barcelona red Prius III about an hour ago. It is beautimous and I much enjoyed driving it from the dealership back to my office. DH took over from there. I can't wait to drive it tomorrow.
Duh--sorry for the post above. I thought I was replying in the thread about personalized plates. LOL I am getting a IV with the solar roof in sandy beach.
Got the call from my dealer today that my car is coming. It's not the interior color I wanted but it seems they are only getting a precious few with sun roofs so I went for it. No date yet, but it IS coming! Why didn't they produce more to begin with?
I picked up my Blizzard Pearl IV/nav last night! It was a dealer swap with a IV with a sunroof so essentially no wait...took less than a week to complete the swap. I was originally going to get the sunroof, but the dealer couldn't get one with the bisque interior that I wanted (there's enough grey weather in Syracuse, so I didn't need a grey interior in my car!), and then decided I didn't want to spend the extra money for the SR anyway. I am very happy with my decision...she's a thing of beauty! Now to start driving...
I'm in Upstate New York and am waiting for a IV solar roof package. All I keep hearing is that there are only 5% of this type being made available. Any dealers in the northeast have a car for me? I'm willing to travel.
Ordered June 9th. Picked it up July 18 - a II in Classic Silver with the Misty Grey interior. I'm so glad I lurked around here for a couple months. The Misty Grey interior was definitely the way to go! (would have ended up with Dark Grey if I hadn't seen pics on this site). My illuminated door sills arrive Wednesday - hope I have time to install them. Also have to make an appointment to get the windows tinted. Still on the fence whether to roll without the wheel covers...might look into making some custom center caps.
Color choices are so funny. I've been waiting for my red/dk SR gray car since 6/30. I'm expecting to wait until Sept/Oct. Today I get a call that they have a white SR and I can have it (that is my back up color)....but it has bisque interior. I turned it down. I may be crazy but to each their own. I won't be happy with the two tone beige/gray dash - I really dislike that look and want the darker seats for hiding dirt. Oh well. I wonder how long I have to wait for another chance? We'll see.
Are you in Northern Virginia? That's the combo I was looking for. Could you let me know which dealer has the Blizzard SR?
It was mcgeorge in Richmond. My bet is though that they are running down the list of people that ordered them. Apparently whoever ordered this one...changed their mind. I last talked to them at 5 pm last night when I said no thanks. Good luck.
:rockon: Woohoo!!! I just got pictures from Dianne--my car is on her lot and will hopefully be loaded on a truck first thing next week to come to me.