I am thinking about getting one and would like to hear from those that have one and would they do it again if the had the chance. Thanks
I've been very disappointed in mind. I live in the Bay Area in a location where reception is typically good, with some spotty areas. In general, it is noticeably poorer than the stock antenna. I keep it on the car because I use a car cover, and it's much easier to cover the shark than remove the whip antenna, or slip it in to the antenna sleeve on the cover. But I doubt I would have purchased it had I known. That said, it is a nicely made piece with perfect color match.
I live in a rural area with spotty reception. With the stock antenna it was not good to begin with, compared with the other cars I have had. With the shark fin it positively sucks.
I live in a medium-size city and can still pick up all the same stations with the shark fin. Guess it depends where you live and what you can live with. For me it was worth it and I'd buy it again.
I live in Manhattan and with the sharkfin antenna I am still able to pick up very well almost all the stations broadcasting from New York City. But there's definitely a loss of strength, as I'm no longer able to adequately pick up a lot of stations located outside of New York City or otherwise weaker signaled stations like metropolitan area college stations. Given the present state of FM radio in New York City, this is not a minor loss. EDIT: To answer OP's question -- Yes, I would definitely get it again if given the chance. As a practical matter, when I listen to the radio in my car, 99% of the time I listen to the major stations which I continue to receive very well with the shark fin throughout my driving area. While I miss receiving the weaker signaled stations adequately, I actually rarely listen to them anyway.
I have one. Looks cool but the radio does not work that great. I live in Petaluma and get a local station. I would rather be listining to KFOG or LIVE 105, but usually do that when I am closer to San Francisco.
I was thinking about getting a shark fin but since every other car on the road has one I thought I would be different and keep the whip.
Looks cool, works ike CRAP, waddya wanna do ? Look cool, or listen to the radio! Unless your in the Pimary footprint of the station you want to listen to, foget the 'Fin, stick with what works!
The best thing about the sharkfin antenna is that you can go through a car wash without removing the antenna first! Mine works fine with local FM stations (but admittedly, I use the XM most of the time).
can't stand that huge antenna!!!!!! I got a stubby antenna for a whopping $9.99...works ok. G-series Short Stubby Antenna Color: Black Type: Fixed-length Length: 3.55" Reception: 3.5 out of 5 Note: This antenna will not fit all cars. Please choose your make and model from the side menu if you are unsure of compatibility. $ 9.99 (USA S&H: $3)