How do I apply Scotchguard? I haven't fiddled with the stuff in YEARS. The last time I used it I turned my hiking boots funny colors. (Then again, I had so much Scotchguard on them -- and they repelled water so well -- that I could walk on water).
I read the label and sprayed it on as directed. No problems. Use a piece of paper to shield non-fabric surfaces from overspray.
The tip on the can "Two light coats work better than one strong coat" is very helpful. If you feel you did it too light, let it dry and do it again. You'll get better protection and easier application.
Fabric is fine but you might consider the carpets...and carpet mats...since we are not clean people who take their shoes off before we enter a car..grin.
Not mine (gray). Don't forget the floor mats. In fact, per Dan's and inventor00's remarks, use most of it on the floor mats.
Actually I had my car detailed at a fancy place last week- Steves Detailing in Newport Beach - my Prius was right beside the new Ferrari.. 8) 8) 8) I had them Scotchguard the carpets and mats ($20) and they did not recommend scotchguarding the seats because of the Alcatera (sp?) fabric- they said it would pill. Interesting enough they also did not recommend the clear bras because they usually see them lift on the edges and they become a bug magnet where they absorb the impact after time. Interesting. But boy does it have a really smooth finish now after detailing . We did that on our 2004 and it lasted over 6 months- smooth and helped easily get rid of bugs.