dealer mentioned auto locks in my 2010. I have yet to see it in action and not sure how to get it to work. Anyway else have it and how it works?
What you put the car in drive, it locks the doors. When you put the car in Park or turn off the car, it unlocks the doors.
I'm thinking when you park and turn off engine and you leave it auto locks if your keys are not nearby.
If your keys (fob) weren't nearby, you couldn't have started it in the first place. I'm thinking this is not the case. That having been said, I once had an Avalon and had the misfortune of turning the car off and opening the trunk to get something out, stepping out of the car to retrieve it shutting the door behind me, and finding that in 30 secs my keys were locked inside the car, requiring a special kind of serial number key, etc., to get it open again! Bad deal!
Doesn't do that. There are a bunch of customization settings. Try a search--it's been discussed quite a bit.
Several modes of auto locking are available. The default car has them turned off. The dealer can change this with the magic laptop. As I recall you can have: Auto lock when the car goes into D Auto lock above 15 mph Auto Unlock when car goes into P All this is listed in the repair manual.
I saw this posted by someone else, but I finally found it in the manual on page 69. The wording is confusing, so I'm going to change it slightly. Four options: a. Shift out of Park - lock doors. b. Shift into Park - unlock doors c. 12mph - lock doors d. driver's door unlock - unlock all doors The procedure to set or cancel (turn on or off)an option: 1. Close all doors and switch "POWER" switch to On. Another post has mentioned you need to keep your foot on the brake. 2. Within 20 seconds select which option to turn on or off: a. Shift out of Park, lock doors - shift position "P", hold driver's door "lock door" for 5 seconds then release. b. Shift into park, unlock doors - shift position "P", hold driver's door "unlock door" for 5 seconds then release c. 12mph, lock doors - shift position "N", hold driver's door "lock door" for 5 seconds then release. d. driver's door unlock, unlock all doors - shift position "N", hold driver's door "unlock" for 5 seconds then release. When the operation is complete all the doors are unlocked then unlocked.
Has anyone gotten this to work because I have a 2010 IV and have tried it a dozen times and it never makes a difference. Start the car with doors closed, within 20 seconds put in neutral while holding lock, do the same sequence with unlock, do it with neutral first, then lock or unlock or lock and unlock first then neutral. Still locks going out of park and unlocks going into park.
Four options: a. Shift out of Park - lock doors. b. Shift into Park - unlock doors c. 12mph - lock doors d. driver's door unlock - unlock all doors The Prius default is that option A and B are "set" ie turned on, and options C and D are "cancel", ie turned off. The way I understand it, if you hit "Power" and put the car into neutral and hold the "Lock" for 5 seconds you are turning option C from off (cancel) to on (set), ie you will have the doors lock at 12mph. However option A is still on, so it will lock the doors when you shift out of park. I would turn off option A by closing all doors, hitting "Power", shift into park, and hold the lock button for 5 seconds, thus turning option A from "set" to "cancel". At this point I would then turn the car off, turn the car back on by hitting "Power", shift into neutral, hold the lock button for 5 seconds, thus turning option C from "cancel" to "set". Or possibly you have already turned on option C but just don't realize it yet! Hope this helps! Let me know if it works!
The car is off, parked in my garage. I get in, put my foot on the brake, hit the power button, withing 20 seconds I shift in neutral, then I hit and hold the lock or unlock button for more than 5 seconds. Nothing happens and it doesn't change the setting. Car still locks when going from Park into Neutral or drive, unlocks going from drive into Park. Has anyone done this and gotten it to change from this to locking at 12MPH and unlocking when the drivers doors is open? I'm thinking that this is also a dealer setting.
see 12 parsecs had success
Thanks, I was on that thread first. Either I'm doing something wrong or my car is broken/different. Can't get it out of the default mode.
Has anyone with a 2010 European model succeeded to use these automatic lock adjustments? I simply want to save the visit to the dealer to fix this.
Literally: count 1(one-thousand), two (one-thousand), three(one-thousand), four(one-thousand), five (one-thousand) and release the lock. If you hold the lock button too long it will not work. I had to try repeatidly until I realized I was not letting go of the button soon enough.
Can't get it to work on my UK T-Spirit - nor the selective door unlocking mentioned on p48 of US manual. Grrrrr!
You are probably talking about the visible sensor on the top front of the exterior drivers door handle. Touch it with the key in your pocket and the doors all lock. When you come back, touch the inside of the door handle and it unlocks (or all the doors unlock, if you have it programmed that way). Reading owners manual is great for this type of information.