Can anyone explain the ext. colors /int colors available with each model. I have not been able to find this info for the 2010 Prius. Thanks,Tom
I could be mistaken. But it normally depends on the region you are in. The Toyota website would probably give you the best idea for colors available. Or maybe I am not understanding exactly what you are asking regarding colors.
This is an interesting question because when you go on the Toyota website, they don't even list Blizzard Pearl as an option. There must be something easier, better to work with.
I am at and I see every color and interior familiar to me. Were you possibly in a 2009 screen, where blizzard pealr was not an option? :: shrug :: The color options for the 2010 may be moot to you, as you already show you have a Prius 2010. But, they are there are right at my view of Dianne
Dianne: Actually it depends on where you go on the site. If you go to the "Build your own car" site as I did, Blizzard Pearl does not exist. If you go to the other site on the home page that shows colors, it does. Strange why they don't have it on both.
Actually, on the Build Your Own Prius part of the site Blizzard Pearl is under all the other colors. It blends in with the background and you cannot see it. I found it by accident when my cursor slipped and writing popped up where there seemed to be no color or anything. It is directly underneath the Silver swatch. Why they have that in a separate line I have no idea.