Hi everyone Now that alot of us have our cars, I am sure you will order a custom plate. P ost your pics here or your "on order" plate here so we can see who is the most creative. I just ordered mine yesterday. ALOT were taken I wanted like: Mtn Gal (live in the mtns but was taken), Wynbuff (got denied for alcohol) Fun,...... I am a wine sale rep for a wholesale distributor (as alot of u know, tough job) and I got them to ok I believe "K Syrah", The desk clerk asked if it was a wine and I said no, it is the name of the grape We only have 6 spots in Oregon
Julie, I did look into IIIBlueII or 3Blue2 but frankly could not get myself to spend the extra cash. Sorry about your "6 spots". Have you tried cortizone creme?
ok...thought is was doris day song... (no i am not that old...at least not quite...) but it spelled diff..."que sera?" something like that
Hey Julie!! I love K Syrah - very clever! I'm a real owner now - not just a wannabe! I have been thinking about plates. I can see on line what's available and I'm limited to 6 letters/numbers. I'm thinking KIC GAS or maybe XXL MPG or OMG MPG. There's another thread around here somewhere with some great ideas on it. I probably got these from it!
Right you are Dave!! Doris Day: "Que Sera, Sera - whatever will be will be...." If I go any further it will be totally embarrassing
LOVE IT!!! My wife doesn't want to do that though, she says we'll get run off the road. Which is probably true here in Jacksonville Florida (aka South GA).
I was going start a new thread soon to solicit opinions on what I should get for mine. We only are allowed 6 characters also. The possibilities I've thought of so far are: TEXPRI (live in Texas) SLRPRI (getting the SR) GLDPRI (getting sandy beach, aka gold) YMMV (I thought would be clever but not too smug) BK WRM (I read...a LOT) What do you think? Which would you go with?
I am in the process of trying to come up with a new plate name (7 letters or numbers), my old plate is in my parents name, and i can not switch it to my name, per IL law.
...when I was just a little girl, I asked my mother, what would I be? Will I be pretty, will I be rich? Here's what she said to me.... Damn you Julie - now I'll be humming that all day long!!
From a rough translation of Prius from the Latin: "TOGOB4" Unfortunately, VA doesn't make room for extra spaces or lower case or it would have been "To Go B4" The young saleman who sold me the 2010 had no idea what it meant. I had to explain it to him. And the attendant at the garage where I park asked me "How long were you there?" When I looked puzzled and asked him "where?" he replied, "Togo. Did you live there before you moved here?"
I have a personalized Virginia Clean Fuel Plate - HYB1RD. When I had that plate on my Camry Hybrid I was stopped 4 times in one year while driving in the HOV lane on I-66; usually I was waived through after stopping, but once I spent 10 minutes explaining the technology in the car to the officer, and once I had to ask the officer to look at the plate again.
Jay, I think the police all instantly recognize a Prius and don't bother chasing them to verify the license but the Camry needs a closer look to determine if it's a hybrid. Your license plate text, alone, is no guarantee that it's actually ON a hybrid vehicle. I often see some of our fellow Virginian's driving their Priuses on the HOV lanes without the requisite "Clean Fuel" I'm sure they won't be happy if they get stopped for lack of the proper license tag! Stu
I agree completely. The personalized plate also may have contributed, since they're used to seeing nnnn-CY or nnnn-CX or nnnn-CF as the plate number-letter combination.
I had a friend in Washington State who was a salesman for a company that sold medical imaging products. His plate was "IMAGING". His niece, not making the connection, asked him one day "Why did you put "I'm aging" on your license plate?" Sometimes the best intentions...