J.Burns....You could always go to Spain and find many Beautiful ladies in Barcelona....After numerous trips to Colombia,S.A. I met her through friends in Cali Colombia. Thanks for the humor
Well, I'll try to pull the Sandy Beach down a bit as well. I'm 40. I think color choice has little to do with age. Being limited to standard colors and a few other options is pretty limiting. You should do a poll of what age and what color if you could have ANY color, whether available or not.
See, that's relative thinking too. I thought 50 was old 15 years ago, but now it looks fairly young. In 5 more years, I'll think it's real young. Ahh, growing old is confusing.
im 21 and i got my toyota sandy beach prius. loved it. so i dont know if that kinda twist ur graph a bit. i didnt really like black becuz itll get really dirty really easily. i also didnt like white because of the same problem. gold sticks out a little and doesnt show dirt.
52 blue. I didn't have a choice, but I am thrilled with Spectra Blue Mica. If I had the choice it would have been Seaside Pearl, also blue.
I will share the Prius with my daughter. We both chose red independent of each other and it is on order. Blue was our second choice for both again independent. I will drive the first 6 years then she takes over. I am 54 she is 19.
SO I decided to take your poll one step further, to in a way, disprove your theory. I went through all of the posts and tried to write down all of the color selections of people 50 and older, and the colors of the Gen III (since this IS the Gen III forum) Here are my findings: Red - 9 people Silver - 12 people Blue - 12 people Black - 2 people Blizzard - 13 people Sandy Beach - 4 people Winter Gray - 2 people So MY findings are that "so-called older people" prefer the Blizzard White color in the Gen III.
You can view the data anyway youd like. I was in this to take a look at all data and not just over 50 people with prius gen III's. If you really wanted to take a definite conclusion out of the survey it would be that most people are old that drive prii overall. I just wanted to see if the ones that drove gold were the oldest. The only reason I posted in the Gen III forum is b/c there is no general forum (if im mistaken please move this thread moderators) and I figured itd get the most traffic here.
28-blue ribbon (#1 choice for both of us) And to help your Gold color--I've only seen ONE since they were released and the lady driving was at least 55.
Is it preference or just availability? Real preferences wont show up until people have a selection to choose from. The current distribution is what Toyota choose to make. We settled for red when we really wanted Sandy Beach, which are rare.