I like that they posted his picture. The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports - News - Marion County man arrested after allegedly having sex with dog Marion County man arrested after allegedly having sex with dog "His pants were down around his ankles and the dog was making an awful sound," according to the complaint. The woman said she called Bagwell a "sick bastard" and he let go of the dog, according to the complaint.
Is raping a dog worse than murdering a pig in order to eat it? Note that I oppose both actions. I'm just saying that if they're going to arrest people who rape dogs, they ought to arrest people who kill pigs also.
Yes, I think it's worse, Daniel. But I can see your point. In both instances you are using the animal for something. I want to keep these dog f__kers away from my dog. She is really cute. I'd post a picture of her but I don't want to give anybody any ideas.
Too bad capitol punishment isn't what it used to be a few hundred years ago: An eye for an eye.... For this gentleman, they would've castrated him.
Why is murdering a pig worse than raping a dog? Would you rather be raped or murdered? Both are bad. Nobody wants either unless they are mentally ill. But if you were forced to choose, there's no contest! Unless you think that somehow dogs are superior to pigs. I admit that I like some kinds of dogs, and I find pigs disgusting. But I don't try to kill people who I consider disgusting. Murder is a far worse crime than rape.
Thank you Daniel. I guess I've never really thought this through. I've just accepted the social moray without question. I do enjoy bacon. Maybe I'm missing something in not 'loving' a dog that way.
All right, Dave. What the hell are you talking about now? Are you thinking about having sex with a dog or eating one for meat? Maybe I don't want to know.
Why do you assume the dog was raped? Did Mr. Bagwell exhibit signs of bite marks or scratches? Was the so called victim wearing any clothes when Mr. Bagwell came to the door? And, hadn't there been many sightings of a certain Border Collie mix going around the neighborhood in just a birthday suit? Wasn't the Border Collie mix licking himself in a suggestive manner after Mr. Bagwell entered the home? Australian Shepards are know for their endurance and abilities to keep large flocks/herds of sheep/cattle together or move the entire group to another open area. Don't you think the "victim" could have easily outrun the heavy set Mr. Bagwell if he really wanted to get away or felt threaten? How would Mr Bagwell have threaten the dog? Certainly not verbally since they didn't speak the same language, except of course for the universal language of LOVE. Mr. Bagwell might be a burglar but he doesn't appear to be a rapist.
Oh bunny, this is a sure sign our society is flushing down the crapper. The wheels are about to fly off
Yummm, I'm having some nice tender veal. I wonder if the love that dare not bark it's name could be this good.