Hi folks, I noticed this in today's paper. It may well go the way of all other so-called "fuel savers", but if it really works perhaps all SUV owners should consider it. (Those that choose not to go Hybrid, that is!) Check out the method/theory explained on their website. kenmac
With the shading of the link, it's difficult to know that you have to click on the word "this" in the first sentence, "I noticed this in today's paper." With that said, I've said it before and I'll repeat it here: "If it works to the extent that they claim, they would have patented it and be collecting royalties from automobile manufacturers instead of hawking it to individual cunsumers." I'm not saying that it doesn't work because I don't know, just that there are tried, tested, and true technologies that manufacturers have paid top dollar to buy (rather than invent). If this were one of them, someone would have noticed and bought the company by now.
I agree that if it works the company will probably be bought out by someone interested in either making a profit from it or to just suppress it! There are plenty of examples in history. This news was shown all over the Oz news media in the last few days. However, what really made me take some notice, was that the firm involved in marketing is REPCO - a well known national firm in Oz. I noted that they said that they have patented in Oz and US and have International patents pending. Time will tell if there is any substance to their claims - they may well go the way of the many others in history. kenmac
well i clicked on the "this" link and the vaporate site, selling vaporware most likely, has vaporized. can anyone access this site?
Yeah, the site does seem to be gone (down?). Here's a link to a news article about it. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,15369...579-421,00.html If it does what it claims, and improves mileage in giant SUVs by 20%, then I'm confused. It should be on every SUV sold, and the inventor should be sitting on a beach somewhere counting his m(b)illions
When I took auto shop more than 30 years ago, they told us about how important the fuel air ratios are. If you run the fuel slightly lean, you can get more complete combustion but the leaner mixture burns hotter which can have a deleterious effect on the overall life of the engine. Back then they had some gas savers you stuck on your carburetor that did the same thing.
well if it does what it says it will, then in a very short time, the guy will probably be looking to BUY a beach of his own
I hate web sites that make you click "enter" to actually get into the site. I don't know if the product works, but they managed to hit one of my pet pieves.
From the news article: "Vaporate added heat to a fuel system, ensuring all petrol was vapourised and used." Isn't this what a turbocharger does, albeit on the air side of combustion?