Saw 5 Prius' at Claremont Toyota 4/1 at MSRP!

Discussion in 'Dealers & Pricing' started by Widdletink, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. Widdletink

    Widdletink Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Claremont, California
    2022 Prius Prime
    Hi All,

    I was at my dealer (Claremont Toyota in Claremont California (909) 625-1500) today and as usual cruised the lot to see what they had in stock and what they were charging for it.

    They have: Seaside with package 6 & leather preinstalled for $28,390 - $26,695 + $1,695 for leather pack.

    2 Millenium Silver 6's $26,742

    1 White 6 with wheel locks $59 and bumper applique $95 (this one seems to be high $29,866

    1 Black $26,742

    All have cargo mat/floor mats & first aid kits $262 added to base price.

    Seems like some of the Fair Market pricing might be gone. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Seaside might be the one I saw a week or so ago with a $3000 markup tacked on then.

    I thought I would pass on this info to anyone who is interested as they treated me very fairly when we bought my car there in February. Just FYI, I don't have any affiliation with them beyond being a customer, I just like to help out folks who might be shopping for their dream cars as I was helped out when shopping for mine.

    If you do decide to visit them be sure to ask for Dave Castillo in Internet/Fleet Sales or Abe aka Fadi and tell them that Tisza says hi! These were the guys that took care of me and were both super. No pressure a real WYSIWYG deal.

    They even held the car we wound up buying for a week and a half without even putting it out on the lot as I thought I wanted a different color so they were trying to trade another dealership to get that color and package (Salsa #3) for me.

    Incidentally, they did this without a deposit, without a promise to buy and without us getting financing from them (we already had our own through the Credit Union). I think that is pretty exceptional service in anyone's book. Oh, and Claremont Toyota gives free oil changes for as long as you own your car with any vehicle purchased and you don't have to take your car there for any other maintenance if you don't want too to take advantage of that offer. Cool, huh?

    Take care

  2. bshef

    bshef Active Member

    Jun 6, 2004
    OC So. Calif.
    2005 Prius
    I bought mine "under" MSRP in So Calif.........and have heard others mention the same!

    If your looking to purchase one........get on the phone and call them all and work these dealers......some won't budge others will lie to you just to get you in the door but you may just get lucky.......The best time seems to be the end of the month when quotas are due. We bought ours on Easter Sunday when the majority of the Poplulation was celebrating Easter. Addtionally, try to go through "Fleet" .....they seem to have different agendas then the regular flat-foots.
    Finance through a credit Union........Toyota's best offer was CU was 4.55%.

    Good luck!

    oh..and I must say..When I was shopping....Carson Toyota in Long Beach kept telling me that Toyota increased the $26,742 MSRP on the P* month's ago. LIES.........Momma always use to say that honesty was best policy! :mrgreen:
  3. unique2006

    unique2006 Junior Member

    May 21, 2005
    Riverside, southern california
    2015 Prius
    I would NEVER pay above MSRP:p, im getting mine direct from toyota but im getting a 2006...about 3k off MSRP is my guess from the 2k5 pricing i have