Today I went out to start my car and it would not start. I kept turning the key over and it would not do anything. It was like it was dead. A while later it finally started. What is this problem,has this happened to anyone? Thanks
Your 12 volt battery may have been discharged. Have that battery checked. If not, we may need to look deeper. Good luck.
The gasoline engine starts when the battery needs it, or your car's rate of acceleration can't be handled by the electric motor, alone. That's normal. Or do you mean that you didn't get a display on the "T.V." screen?
Hi. The only thing that gave me any idea that the battery was not dead was the seatbelt light came on when I turned the key. No other light ups came on including the display screen. Oh well the clock lit up.But that was it. I could hear this sound though when I turned it as far as it would go. It kinda had the faint sound of maybe the fan trying to kick on. but would quickly be quiet again. Nothing else would happen. Does anyone know if I will have to pay for the diagnostic test to be performed on it? I talked to Toyota today and the C/care person said that it possible could be the computer malfunctioning.He really would not get much into it and He only said that because I kinda was really forcing a answer out of him.
there have been reports of the HV battery contactor relay not engaging and thus not starting the car. Did the MIL come on or not? if not I'd suspect that the contactor is defective but your dealer will be able to confirm that with the THHT. A no start should be covered under the warranty on a 2k3 unless your past the 3 year 36,ooo mile warranty period.
Even with the relay not engaging HV battery, the display should have come on, no? Doesn't it come on in Ig-On mode, like the Gen2 does? I suppose this is when my downloading of 2003 wiring diagram will come in handy.
Yes, the MFD should display in Ig-On, no difference with Gen2. It just will not go into "READY" if SMR were not engaged. I agree with tochatihu that your Aux battery may be weak. It has just enough power to light up the LED and Clock but not the higher power LCD. If possible, you may like to try jump-start to see if it works. Vincent
No nothing lit up. Just the two things I indicated. It finally started after a few minutes. We have 47,000 on it now. We did A lot of commuting about 106 miles a day for 5 months. So that racked up the miles. The dealership here said it will cost 300 or higher to see what is wrong on these cars. Is that a little high?
Dan with the key start if you just crank it on, the car starts before the MFD boots. It's just coming to life as the ready light comes on.
Does the MFD normally come alive in ACC or Ig-On like it does in 2G? If so, does it do so in this case?
"LOCK" --> "ACC" - MFD starts to boot. "ACC" --> "ON" --> "START" (Hold at this position for about a few seconds until the "READY" light comes on. If the ambient temperature is low such as during winter conditions, it may take time until the "READY" light is on. The key will return to the "ON" position when released. If the ambient temperature is high, the "READY" light comes on almost immediately and even before MFD starts booting. Vincent