Sadly, I hit a tow hitch on the back end of a truck this morning. Thankfully I did no damage to the F 150, but tore a hole on the right corner of my bumper. There's about a 6 inch dent on the right corner and a tear in the center of the dent from where I hit the toewhitch - rear lights and everything else seem fine. I was going no more than 3-4mph. Anyone else had similar bad luck and have an idea of what kind of repair cost I can expect or repair time? I have a 2010 Prius II, so no back up camera. Thanks and safe driving!
From my experience over the years, painting a bumper is about $300, and replacing it is in the neighborhood of $600-800.
I don't know where you are located but there are repair places that specialize in bumpers. Bumper Medic is one that I have used in the San Diego area. I would suggest looking in your phone book and call around. Fixing it will be less expensive than buying a whole new one. Don't feel bad; rear bumpers get banged all the time. I know I am safe because of the backup camera but I don't trust anyone else especially SUV's; they can't see anything behind them.
Cost me $250 to mend and repaint the rear bumper cover after someone hit & ran my Gen III. Repair is not noticable, but (only) I can tell it was repainted, which would have been the same with a new cover anyway. Go for the repair if the damage isn't too serious.
That was my wife who posted first. 3 weeks after purchasing the car....she already hits something. She's getting a quote from a shop right now. If it's under $1000 she'll probably just pay for it out of pocket and not get insurance involved. 2nd time in 3 months she backed up into something. Why don't women accept help/guidance? I seriously need to teach her how to pay attention to things around her.
That's a great suggestion. It just might have been worth the money. It would have been $1,800 (I think) to upgrade to the backup camera. By the way for those that want to know, got a quote for about $500 to replace the bumper. Zero damage to the bumper foam or anything else. A good rip + dents in the bumper is all that occurred. A simple install of a new bumper is all that's needed.
Quote did not come from the dealer. Sorry for leaving that out. Tonight she's going to get a quote from the dealer just to see how much their markup would be.
Do you know if the $500 quote is for OEM or 'Quality Replacement Parts". I feel there is always a significant quality difference between the two.
yes the quote was for a Toyota manufacturered product (new bumper). Last night she got a quote from the dealership for about $522.50. Not much more expensive at all. She said the dealership quoted her the same amount per hour as the local shop(shop has good reviews) but they added more hours to the quote. She questioned the dealership about their price comparing it to the local shop just to see what they would say. The dealership responded quickly saying that if anything happens to the engine only they could repair it. Wth? Who ever said anything about the engine? I'm NOT a fan of this dealership and their practices.
Hey, the engine could fall out if the rear bumper is removed. What's the matter with you? No imagination?
That's what I'm afraid of...the Service Dept having an imagination when working on my wife's car. I just want to take a dictionary and whollop the guy upside his head and ask who he's having a conversation with because that response was nothing more or less than stupid.
"... I seriously need to teach her how to pay attention to things around her." Funny you should mention that. I accidently (and literally) tapped the driver's side rear bumper of a new Prius. No dents, scratches, my rubber bumper tapped his. Both of us were in motion, I was making a lane change and he slowed down a little faster than I. It was a TAP. There's a little 'clippie' thing (that's the best tech term I can come up w/) that was sticking out of the top of his bumper, kinda close to where we touched. I pushed it in and everything looked even and fine. Does anyone know what this clip looking thing does? And if I truly damaged his car by pushing it in?? This dude called the cops - who saw no damage or injuries 'n left. And is now making a claim on his insurance. Thank the Good Lord for photo cell phones!! Thanks for any help you can give so when I speak w/ insurance, I'll be somewhat edumacated :clap2:
I had similar damage as OP is describing to my G2 Prius bumper a couple of years ago. I think the repair cost was in the $400s range. It's amazing how easy it is to damage. An unexpected collateral cost comes up, too: getting another bumper protector.
Just got the "Mattresses and Priuses . . ." estimate of repairs from Farmers - the other guy's insc. co. - and thought you might be interested. The estimate is based upon "Motor Crash Estimating Guide" for an '09 Prius Touring model; they have NO data for the 2010 Prius yet! Estimated net cost of repairs is $1,096.52. I am thinking "Good Luck Farmers"!!! There is a clause for "supplemental damages not on the estimate". And to their credit they handed me a check for rental car reimbursment to cover three days of repair. Estimated net cost of repairs . . . . $1,096.52 Brake-down of costs (figures rounded): Repl RT Fender liner . . . . . . . . . . $108 Repl Emblem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 46 Repl Front bumper/splash guard . . $335 Repl RT lower lamp & fog cover . . $ 68 Body & Paint Labor & supplies . . . $508 Misc. incl sales tax - parts disc. . . $ 28 Note that pics should be posted by this coming Tuesday.
I backed into my snowplow with my 2006 prius. I did not know i had hit it until i pulled forward. The plow got caught under the left wheel well and yanked the bumper skin off. Cost to replace back bumper with labor... $800. I have to pay for it since my insurance deductable is $1000.
You should never repair a bumper that is cracked, torn, or has a hole in it. The structural integrity of the bumper is not the same once it's been fixed with with bondo for these kind of damage. You should replace the whole bumper in the OP's situation.
A couple weeks ago I scraped the right side of my front bumper (a really stupid boneheaded thing to do) and have 2 parallel scrapes, about 7 inches long, and got estimates yesterday to have it repaired, which I will do next Monday. This is cosmetic only--there is zero structural damage to the bumper. The quotes range from $450 up to $635 to remove the bumper, repair, repaint. My deductible is $250. I'm going through my insurance to cover the difference plus I need a rental car for 3 days. Have not seen anything close to $300 or less to repair.
Hi! I'm in the same situation. Did you take yours to a mainstream auto body place like Earl Scheib or did you know someone? I'm trying to avoid the expenses of purchasing a new bumper. Thanks! Much appreciated