Hi Folks, I was lucky enough to go to the 2010 pre launch test drives in the UK and took my camera equipment along. The Toyota GB team put on a great show with lots of Prius there. As I'd asked to do a video test-drive for my webtv series I was allowed off the main site. And man, did I have a great time! Although, I have to say - I'm not a fan of the 2010. It just doesn't seem to have a purpose as clearly defined as the earlier models. Here's the show. Enjoy. Nikki.
hi nikki nice video only problem is i can not play it correctly not problem with youtube and dailymotion and its a brand new asus eeepc with a 1,6ghz atom not goog for HD video but SD is no problem or is your video in HD? the purpose for the 2010 is more mainstream.
You mean a wider appeal bothers you? If it's purpose before was FE and clean then what's not to like about better mpg and as clean or cleaner than previously?
After keeping up with the story of Velma ... it's good to see you out & about in the Gen III. It'll be interesting to see who will be the 1st Gen III PHEV converter
Fuel economy is important - but you have to figure in the extra costs associated with upgrading etc. When spending that much money on a car you have to love the interior. Fuel economy should not be an excuse when buying a car. It's possible to design a great interior in a frugal fuel sipper. I just don't feel that this model has done that. Wider appeal is great, but the cockpit of the 2010 does seem a little intimidating, given that many drivers don't even know where the main beam dip is! My point is that I think Toyota could have worked harder to make the car more luxurious without all the extra buttons. I loved the better ride, better fuel economy and larger cabin. What I didn't like was the array of push buttons and multiple screens. I mean, there's FOUR! Nikki.
in the gen 2 prius you have a lot more then 4 screens. audio/climate etc etc. no you have buttons for direct touch ac on or off instead going to the menu on the MFD to do this or to do that in several button and touchsscreen buttons. so i think that a improvement. but thats personal ofcourse i also like buttons i do agree that the MAP button should be on the steering wheel just like in the gen 2. ( or is it? ) the heads up display to me is useless its still to low for me to not look down to it.. i whan to read it displayed on the backwindow of a car i am directly looking at thats the only way you dont still have to look down and in that case i can better just look down a little more and se it already at a good location in the dash.
wait a minute ... some of us have modded our mfd's (or added an extra dvd player screen) so we can REALLY get data overload. how does one reconcile the GEN III display as being over the top, when some PC members do the above?
Hi Nikki, good video. I quite agree with you on many of your points. I too prefer the minimalistic design of the gen2. And I do think you hit the nail on the head with your comment that "It just doesn't seem to have a purpose as clearly defined as the earlier models." Well done, or as you folks across would say it, good show. :-D
Oh one more thing, I didn't know this before, but from the video, and I correct in assuming that the speedometer is projected onto the windshield?
There's an awkwardly long pause after she talks about it before she shows us. The bit about redundant information screens and buttons are totally on the spot.
Absolutely - but... With the Can View etc the info (and the screen buttons to reach it) is only there if you go looking for it. I reckon the 03-09 Prius has about 1/4 of the physical buttons the 2010 has. While it displays no more or less data it just feels cleaner inside as a consequence. It's the amount of instantaneous data which is different... Oh, and yes - Sorry about the pause for the HID. It took me a while to film that (as you can only really see it from the driver's seat and I had to wait until I was off-road to legally film that bit as I had to hold the camera!) Nikki.
Yes, that's the H.U.D. (heads up display). Its standard on all UK, and I suspect, all European models. You can select it between off, speed only, speed and Eco monitor and Navi (if the car has Navi). You can also adjust it's height on the screen and its brightness. I think once you get used to it being there it will become very useful and the driver will rarely need to look down at the dash. I wouldn't go so far as saying it makes the normal read out redundant, as some people might not like it and want it turned off. It's a preference.
All 3 formats played with VLC on asus 1000he eeepc. Choose format then save download. That website is very slow was unable to stream the video. Didn't look like hd at all.
ok so it was the website well i just sean a new message on nikki's site... THE SMART ED.. electric drive so the plugin version YHEAAA