Now that my iPhone 3G has stereo Bluetooth, I would like to get something that receives Bluetooth stereo from the phone and patches it into the 3.5mm AUX stereo jack in the console so I can listen to podcasts, and over the car's sound system. It there a device that does this cleanly? I would love to just drop the phone in the cupholder and not have to plug it in.
Why not just use the 3.5mm jack from the phone? It plays all audio including streaming audio from the 3.5mm jack as well.
I can only vouche for the cabled version of this one that also supplies power to the phone for charging, but here's the bluetooth version Bluetooth Aux Kit
On another forum that I frequent, people have reported success with the Jabra stereo BT headset that looks like dog tags. Just get a patch cable to connect the dog tag to the aux-in, and you can stream music to it wirelessly.
I've tried this along with a 1/8 cable while charging an iPhone 3gs and the feedback was intolerable. The BT Aux kit referenced above had a high pitched whine, and the 1/8 stereo cable with the charger method the feedback was totally intolerable. The iPhone while not charging was fine but that's not really acceptable. Any other options?