Usually these stories come out with "an ax to grind," little more than a reworked press release from the advocates. But in this case, the story is factual covering all aspects of the issue. Understand, I'm not persuaded that we need noise makers, not one bit, but it is refreshing to read a story that was well researched and presents all sides including: Nice article and worth a read. Bob Wilson
I absolutely love the silence of my 450h.....its so fun to have conversations with people that are amazed its on or how quiet it is. I think it does add to a "relaxing" atmosphere with car ownership. Glad to read that silent hybrids are not killers
Here's a link to the OCRegister AutoMotion article. Interesting comments ... Would hybrid cars be safer if they made more noise? - Auto Motion - So there you have it. Mother says it's all the Prius therefore it must be true. I'm sure she was watching him closely and just failed to hear it herself so she was unable to warn him. I'm sure that he wasn't wearing a helmet either. Fortunately, the child suffered no major injuries. The Europeans think the answer is to reduce the noise pollution caused by all vehicular traffic. Make everyone buy low rolling resistance tires and gradually pave your roads with quieter pavement (it makes a huge difference). I walk in downtown Denver all the time. Many 4 cyl cars are just as quiet as my Prius. Much of the time there is no way to hear any car because the car's noise is masked by the semi, the delivery truck, the car alarm going off, or the boom car. And of course, light rail and emergency vehicle sirens. Nope, clearly the hybrid (and EVs to come) is entirely to blame. In my neighborhood, there are many of the same distractions along with lawn mowers, edgers, blowers, motorcycles, barking dogs, and airplanes overhead. But, of course if I were (God forbid) to hit a child when going in EV, it would be Prius' fault, not mine nor the kid's nor his mother's.
+1 . . . after a 5 minute conversation with a neighbor just outside of our 400h, it suddenly dawned on him, "is your SUV turned on?". You won't be sneaking up on the deaf with the suv in your avatar my freind ... they'd feel the richter scale movement. btw, I do like the mpg edit on the avatar ! .