Do you recommend window tinting? Did anyone have their windows tinted and are you satified with the result? That heat from the large back window is killing me. I am considering the tinting of my windows!
Had it done on my 2006 and had it done again on my 2010. It's weird at first on the back window I know, but trust me, give it a few days and you'll get used to it. That is if you mean the 'effect' caused bu the defogger wires. If you got too dark a tint, yeah that stinks, I hate overly dark tint like 5%...
Here in So. Fla. window tinting is a must. All my cars for the last 15 years have been window tinted...
Wait, are you saying you DID tint the windows, AND the back window is killing you? Or are you saying that you want to tint the windows BECAUSE the back window is killing you? You are failing at English.
Got all my windows tinted at 20% and my front window done at 35%. LOVE it! my best mod I've done to my car.
Does this make you feel better man? LOL Did anyone have their windows tinted and are you satified with the result? That heat from the large back window is killing me. I am considering the tinting of my windows! This is a formal translation from mechanic's language to regular English.
No! I did not tint my windows! Yes! The back window crawls forward and trys to kill me everyday. It is a mean and nasty window and I might have to kill it before it kills me. Beware of the killer window folks!
:focus:So consensus for tint seems to be growing - fear of back window death being an obvious motivator. Now what about MPG? Has anyone made a comparison of MPG results before and after tinting? Sounds a ridiculous question but in hot weather, tint must reduce the a/c load and hence . . .
I had mine done, and am very pleased. Cost $175 with 5yr warranty. If you have it done, be sure to check with/comply with your state laws. Calif., for example has restrictions on the degree of tint permitted.
I would think that a cooler car will reduce the need for AC. Also the batteries are back in that general area and it might be a good thing to keep the sun out and heat down. It may actually be a killer window.
I had the front and rear windows all tinted with Huber Optic ceramic tint which dramatically cut down on heat transmission. I also had the windshield 'tinted' with 3M Crystalline film, again significantly reducing the heat transmission into the car. The windsheild made a huge difference, it is a large area and the sun beams right down on you at times. I almost never have to use the A/C.
Care to share what the price was for your window tinting job? I understand the Huber Optic is pricy but worth it.
In a heart beat, We did the Subaru and it was an amazing difference. We have dont eh Prius with a simple DIY stuff thats kinda junky but also works well. A complete tint cost ~$300. Icarus
Yeah it was pricey but I am 100% satisfied, it is amazing. It was $495 for the sides and rear. The 3M on the windshield was $225. That was 2+ years ago... maybe it is less now?
Window tinting was the first thing done to the car right after buying it. everything from the A pillar to the B pillar is in the 30-35% range, and from the B pillars back the windows are in the 20-25% range. To me tint has 2 practical functions being privacy and helping keep the interior cool. Its also a pretty cool appearance mod and helps set you apart from the other Priuses...Prii (sp. for pl. of Prius)
Yesterday at work, I watched someone get pulled over for no apparent reason. After a brief but heated exchange - with the driver still talking on his cell phone - the officer reached out and ripped the tinting film off the driver's window.
That is good. I see driver's windows darker than the limit around here. Officers ought to reach in and rip it out. Totally illegal and dangerous not to be able to see where a driver is looking, especially when they're looking to pull out and one is on a motorcycle. --------------- Question - Do the installers take a knife to the window to cut out generic film? Of did you order a Prius kit of film?
have you by any chance posted any pictures of your windshield tinted with Crystalline? Is there any color to it at all, like Llumar Air Blue? Lastly, any clarification on the legality of tinting the windshield in CA?
Where did you get your windows tinted? Where the front windows included for that price? I have an 09 Prius and I am looking for a good place in San Diego to get mine tinted. Thanks Larry
Just got my 2009 Magnetic Gray Package 5 tinted with 32% Front / 13% Back Solargard HP Charcoal (Metallic Material) by Tint Connection in Costa Mesa, CA (949-650-8468). Jim, the owner, was very helpful in helping me make the decision on Solargard vs. Ceramic tints (ie. Huber Optik / FormulaOne). He told me that there should be no interference with Navigation, Cell phone signals, keyless entry, etc. I confirmed this after the install was done. Glad I went this route because it saved by a couple hundred bucks :rockon:! I'll post pics in a couple days once the tint completely settles.