Currently have opportunity to buy a 2008 with 10000 miles for about 21000. It appears to have much of the same items as a comparable 2010 with 25750ish. My question is whether a 2010 is worth the additional 4-5000 dollars?
That's really up to you, but I suspect you could negotiate a cheaper price on the '08, but with 10k miles that may be a bit tough. You'll get a little better FE and it has a few new bells and whistles that are nice, but it's not a dramatically better car.
Do you want the bells and whistles that are on the 2008? Because really, instead of comparing prices with a similarly equipped Gen 3, it makes more sense to compare to what you would actually buy if you got a new car and had your choice of equipment. For example, since if we wind up buying a Gen 3, we will get a Prius II for $22,750 (or as close to that as we can find), I wouldn't be the slightest bit interested in a 2008 with 10,000 miles on it at that price - especially since sales tax and interest on a used car are not tax deductible this year, but they are on a new car, which knocks a few hundred off the price of new car compared to the used car too.
Go with the 2010. I have a 08 and drove a 10 the other day and it is as different as night and day. It was a Prius 11 with no options and at $22750. The loan was better for the new car than used rate. The 10 has a quieter ride, more pep due to bigger engine and im not sure why but it felt more open and airy and the seats are a 100 times better. And why did someone trade in their 08? unresolved problems?? I have read posts here where people couldn't stand the drivers seat in 08 & 09 models and traded them in for the Camry Hybrid just for that reason. Drive both and not just around the block at least 20 miles if they let you and then you be the judge. Sgt Tip
as mentioned you can probably do a little better on the 08 than $21k and can do quite a bit with the extra 6+ thousand dollars. my 08 is the best most reliable car i've ever had including mercedes benz and every other car since the early 70's
the 2010 is certainly nice. my sister in law just got a blue one, and she loves it. can.t imagine someone already has 25000 miles on a 2010 though. Regardless, they are both under warranty, and both excellent cars. you didnt mention which model, i.e. what featuers the two cars have, that you are looking at. if you really want the latest and greatest, go with the 2010. I can't imagine the mileage in the long run is going to be that incredibly different. I'm getting 58.3 on this tank on my '06 now. You can probably do much better with the 2010 if you try though. anyway, you cant go wrong. get a carfax report and ask 'em to throw in the extended warranty. see what response you get. happy driving!!
Hold the phone a second .... The OP mentioned $25,750 for the GenIII implying a PriIII with Nav. The Gen2 he speaks of may also have Nav meaning a 2008 package5 whose MSRP was just about $27k Big chance that Gen2 was purchased during high demand times, so the Gen2 seller likely paid $27k + ~10% = $29.5k OTD So, $29.5k - 21k = $8.5k This seller is going to take an $8.5k loss after only 10k miles on the car. How much is the seller supposed to lose? IMO, $21k for a nice 08 with nav is low enough. Not to mention a private buyer may ask seller to fudge the sale price for a discount at the DMV. Or buy a Gen3 II with 1 door SMS, no nav/camera, no HID's, no foglamps and pay $1.9k more ($200 for CF)
He must have meant $25,750 for the Gen3 meaning a Pri III w/ nav and floor mats. so, the Gen2 likely a pack5 (which had Nav).
I recently got a new 2009 with pkg #2 for under 21,800. So for a few hundred dollars more than for an 08, you can get a brand new 2009 Just love the resale on the Prii