Thought worth mentioning due to the 2009 Matrix center console design and likelihood a Gen4 Prius will 'be on drawing boards' in a couple years. Check out right edge of the 2009 Matrix center console in relation to left edge of the passenger seat. Console intrudes into left knee room for me. The 2010 Pri console shown above is not as wide as the Matrix. Would be a bummer to see a Gen4 with a much wider center console. I have no problem with driver kneeroom and the console in the Prius. Console gets in the way only a little bit on passenger side. Never hurts to get design feedback in quickly
That does not sound right. I believe the console is the same for right and left hand drive cars and should be completely symmetrical. Is that true?
While driving in cruise control with my right foot drawn back toward the seat I noticed some slight irritation to my bare right knee; driving in cutoffs, not in the buff. Haven't taken the time to look closely at this situation. Sandpaper?
It's just the opposite for me. My left knee is being irritated by the bare, silvery plastic portion of the armrest on the door. That could really use some cushioning, in my opinion. My right foot is always on either the brake or accelerator (I commute in NYC, so no real opportunities to use cruise control), keeping my right knee away from the center console, so no problems there.
I have a major complaint about that console in general: I find it too confining! I also think it looks cheap and "added on". I'm in research mode for a Prius and so far, this is a potential deal breaker, one I hope Toyota corrects asap. Am I the sole weirdo here who's bothered by it? I'm seeking a car to complement my smart for when I need more room..and that console leaves me feeling I'm in a smaller car rather than a larger one. The other Toyota's don't appear to have this problem.
Yes, I did. I drove one today. I felt like I was sitting in a cardboard box, cramped in. I didn't like it at all.