I managed to snap a few photos, but I think its a little difficult to see the difference. The measured height to the aluminum support on my garage door is 7 feet, 5.5 inches. The approx height of the 2010 with the hatch open 7 feet, 1 inch. The approx height of the 2008 with the hatch open 6 feet 11 inches. The 2010 is about 2 inches higher, but its mostly because of the longer spoiler.
One day after I bought my V w/Nav, while parked at my in-laws' garage, my wife opens the hatch while my father-in-law opens the garage door... That's the first ding. Minutes later it was my turn to learn the lesson. The spoiler slams into the garage door while it was still open. 2nd ding. When we got home later that night, I learned that it wasn't my in-law's garage so much as it is the car... 3rd ding. Now I notice that the spoiler seems to give a little -- maybe 1/8" to 1/4" -- when I flex it gently. Does anyone else notice this, or could it be the result of getting bumped three times?
There's definitely a bit of flex in the spoiler - Gen II had this as well. I avoid using it as a handle for that reason.
I parked in a parking garage today, and when I opened the hatch, it bumped into a pipe overhead. Thankfully, it did not scratch, but next time I may not be so lucky.
Great news!:cheer2: Lost count of the times I've bashed my head on the corner of open tailgates over the years. :hurt: I have to say I'm dead jealous of you guys who can get their cars in their garage.......you can't move in my garage for bicycles and other assorted junk.:doh:
Thanks for the reply. One more thing -- I went to check on it again, and noticed a sound when I tip the end of the spoiler upward, sorta like a low soft squeak. Can you (or someone else) please verify whether this is normal or if it's only on my car? I don't use the spoiler as a handle either. I'm with Stream on closing the hatch: After having hydraulic supports ruined in my previous hatchback by some friends slamming the hatch, I'm always very careful about closing my hatch, and a jerk about not letting anyone else do it for me. I would like to emphasize the word "GENTLY" (or SLOWLY). I'm not a mechanical engineer, but it makes sense that using extra force to pull down hard/fast wears out the hydraulic supports a lot sooner than they were designed to last. So reiterating Stream's method -- pull down GENTLY/SLOWLY from inside handle, and let go when a few inches above the bottom.
Not only may the hatch hit the garage door (when open), but even worse, is if I open the hatch, then open or close the garage door, the hinges on the door will rub over or grab the hatch. I never leave the hatch open if I think the garage door may be opened or closed.
The hatch opens too high, and I always has to put a cloth on the top of spoiler when it rests on the garage door. Yesterday I opened the hatch while my husband came home opening the garage door, and the garage door knocked out the rear spoiler. It is sad to see spoiler hanging on the hatch. I wonder if the spoiler can be fixed.
I too have had troubles with the high opening of the rear hatch. I had trouble with the garage door opening while the rear hatch was open. Finally, I rigged a wire-link-chain limiter on the gas strut arms. The wire-link-chain does not stretch under the considerable load during opening. Also, The lower edge of the rear hatch is then limited to 61" above the garage floor. We keep bumping into this edge when getting stuff in/out of the car. I used 5/8"-dia. foam tubing (split) along this edge to cushion the bumps. With silver foam tubing on a silver car, it's a decent match.
If you do meet too much resistance, after starting the process with the inside handle, use the Toyota emblem as a leverage point to guide the hatch to closure.
Thanks for the advice. My family is average height. I guess one "benefit" of the high opening trunk is that there is absolutely no chance that I can close the trunk by touching the spoiler. I can't reach that high even if I jump. And, if a miracle occurs and I become that tall, I shall celebrate by buying a new car.
yup the hatch is very high, hit mine on the garage door, forgetting to close it! and ouch the cost of repair was very high was well. but our dealership was speedy and got it back in two days. but no xmas presents for me from hubby this year! all I get is a new spoiler.
I park in an underground garage. I just found out that the hatch, when opened, is high enough to hit the overhead pipes. Yikes. I can't open the hatch on every space in the garage. I have to watch where I park. I also own a Toyota minivan. No problems there. This is silly when the Prius is more picky in parking space than a minivan.
Has anyone tried shorter gas struts for this issue? Unless there is something really funny about the Prius struts, you should be able to buy shorter struts. Tom
here is Canada, the cost of a new spoiler for our car was just over $1000. the part alone was over $ 800.00. ouch. a hard lesson to learn.
Opening: A simple hold-down strap could keep the lid from rising too high. Closing: One is meant to close the hatch using the much-lower inside hand-pockets, not the much-higher spoiler.
Is a shorter gas strut available? Does anyone know if this is a standard strut? And if it is, would the replacement with a shorter version (assuming they make one) help?
Chronic problem when my height-limiting hatch is open. The bottom edge of the open hatch is 61-in. above the ground. This is because of our low garage ceiling. So when loading/unloading, we keep bumping our heads on the bottom edge of the open hatch with the car parked anywhere.
I stapled some old sponges to the garage door beam it hits. Also put red reflector tape along the edge of the spoiler. The reflector tape is a good safety factor and I notice people don't follow too close at night. Also I imagine you could put padded weather stripping tape under the reflector tape. If the hatch doesn't open all the way, I hit my head numerous very painful times.
The spoiler is made of plastic- it cannot be painted- if it needs to be repaired they order a new one in the color of the car. You should never use the spoiler as a pressure push or pull hand hold. As so many people have mentioned before-- you pull down with the hand hold (inside) and then press on the emblem as it goes down to close. Someone mentioned that the spoiler makes a sound when you push or pull on it and does that harm it? As my little grandmother used to say "if it hurts, don't do it"!! :nono: I love, love, love my Prius, even with it's few minor little quirks.