I am curious if anyone who has a Prius V with ATP knows the answer to this question. The section of the owners manual (downloaded from the Toyota Technical Information System) which describes the Lane-Keeping Assist (LKA) feature says "Do not attach a sticker or other items to the windshield near the camera sensor." The drawing in the manual shows the camera mounted above the top left corner of the rear view mirror. I live in Austin, Texas and we have a toll tag (called the TxTag) which is supposed to be affixed to the windshield just below the rear view mirror mount. Does anyone know if this will interfere with the LKA camera? My dealer says the TxTag can be mounted anywhere on the windshield where it is visible, but I would like some feedback from the current Prius V ATP owners. Will a toll tag mounted below the rear view mirror mount interfere with the LKA camera? I know some states other than Texas (e.g. Florida) have windshield mounted toll tags.
I have a toll tag on my Hycam. Directions said right of center, below mirror, so that's what I did on that car. I think the LKA camera is mounted on the left side of the mirror, so maybe this won't be a problem. I'll be looking more carefully at this issue soon.
It has been a couple of months and several of you have been using the LKA (Lane-Keeping Assist), so I will ask this question again. The section of the 2010 Prius owner's manual which discusses the LKA includes the following statement: Here in Texas we have a toll tag (TxTag) which is supposed to be affixed to the windshield just below the rear view mirror mount. Is this in range of the view of the LKA camera and does it interfere with the operation of the LKA feature? Where have people attached their toll tag (either Texas or any other state) to the windshield so it is both detectable by the toll tag sensing equipment and doesn't interfere with the LKA camera?
I mounted the tag exactly where they tell you to mount it, which is below the mirror, right of center (i.e., towards the passenger side). On the cars with LKA, the portion of the glass with polka dot shading (near the mirror, between the visors) is missing on the driver's side, so as to give a clear view to the camera, which is mounted near the top of the glass (above the mirror, on the driver's side). I stuck my tag right below the polka dots on the passenger side. LKA still works fine, which makes sense, given the camera is mounted much higher and to the left (driver side).
you don't really have to put it RIGHT there at where they ask you to put. For my BMW, I got the tag on the right hand side of where the rear mirror connects to the windshield and it works fine. So as long as you put it around there, should be fine.
I've got my EZ Pass mounted directly to the right of where the mirror is mounted about half an inch from the top of the windshield. It has worked every time at each ez pass toll plaza I've gone through and never affected my LKA systems...
I did the same thing, mounted the EZ pass on the right side of the rear view. Both the EZ pass and LKA work. Bob
In IL there is an option to get a license plate mounted toll tag. When I got my V ATP I called and requested one. There was no additional cost and now I don't have an ugly white box on my windshield. You might want to look into that.
Only cars I see around here with those are ones where the EZ pass will not work in the window due to some metallic coating some manufacturers use... My friends dad has one on his Mercedes and they stole it. He got it replaced and months later it was stolen again. I heard many here in the city were getting stolen... Life in the big city I mount mine so high in the window and where the black dimples are behind the rear view mirror that you really can't even see it anyways...
Very true, I thought about somebody stealing it. I used screws that use an allen wrench to screw/unscrew it from that plate. It is a step up from a phillips head.
I have the same question myself. In fact I want to avoid putting the sticky strips on the windshield or the suction pad alternatives. So I got a product called Ez Toll -http://www.amazon.com/dp/product/B000LP8F60?tag=priuschatcom-20 I didn't realize at the time I ordered it that it might interfere with the LKA. Anyway, I read the manual later and now have the same question. I had a long drive back from the dealer's to home when I picked up the car, and I tested it. The LKA seemed to work fine. The tag was snug up against the mirror and to the right (the camera's to the left) and there was no overlap with the camera. However, I wonder if the camera has a wide-angle view and if the tag still interferes with its peripheral view? Anyway, the LKA did seem somewhat flaky. I would veer slightly near the lane marker and sometimes it would warn and at other times it would remain quiet. I thought that maybe the tag's interfering. So I removed it for the rest of the drive (about 3 hours). However the LKA was still inconsistent. I should mention that it was night and raining hard most times, but even in patches of no rain and most times clearly marked lanes, the LKA was hit and miss without the tag hanging from the mirror or on the windshield.
When I first got my 2010 Prius V with ATP about a month ago, I installed my toll tag directly below rear view mirror. I did that before using the LKA feature at all. Right away I noticed that the LKA would lose its tracking quite often (when it does this it beeps twice), and seemed to take quite a while to re-establish tracking. After driving that way for a couple of weeks, I removed the toll tag. The LKA still loses tracking occasionally, but it seems to behave a lot better now. The camera is just to the left of the rear view mirror, and I think that the tag may have been blocking the view of the right hand lane line.
THANKS TO YOU ALL. I own another Toyota product Hybrid and there was NO INFO THAT WAS HELPFUL on this topic. AS a realtor I got a bigger hybrid, but there is nothing like a Prius to really feel like you are in control of you MPG. I learned most the Hypermiler techniques just by driving the car. I have an old 88 accord that I use for hauling stuff and getting my bike around. If that ever craps out, I am sure to get another Prius. The manual for my car led me to believe that the LKA camera was on the passenger side. Your forum told me exactly where it was...THANKS!
I live in Houston...but go to Austin. I put my toll sticker to the right of the rearview mirror (on the opposite side of the LKA camera). No problem with LKA nor with toll sensors.