Hi all. After considerable research, I just placed an order for a Model V w/Nav from a local dealer. I placed the deposit and I received a 'vehicle inquiry report', noting the supposed specifics for 'my car'. Now, as I continue to read the postings in this forum, I am wishing the delivery time was today! After reading the various posts about the long waits for individuals, I am a bit concerned about the assurances that the dealer has given me relative to delivery timeframes. He's saying to anticipate hands-on by first part of August. Should I believe him? The inquiry report even shows the ship name! That's cool. However looking up the schedule of the ship, it seems it is destined to reach Japan by 7/21. Given that arrival date, is it realistic for loading and return trip to US in the ballpark timeframe provided by dealer? Also, any advice on killing the time between order & delivery?
You could continue to test drive some cars to make sure / reconfirm this Prius is the best car for you. 1 month wait is not too bad. 3 months gets to be a real pain.
Good luck with the wait, qlanus. I too am waiting. But I was given the wonderful expectations of "4-8 weeks... maybe longer." ...whatever that means exactly. With my luck, it will be the "longer." I made my deposit a week ago... now I'm just waiting. I'm open to a couple different colors, so hopefully that will make it as speedy of a process as possible. Good luck to you!
You can go to Toyota Owners Online and download .pdf copies of the owner's manual and the nav manual. You will need a VIN number for a 2010 Prius and you have to get them one chapter at a time but it's easy, just takes a little time. Toyota Owners Online | Official Toyota Owners Website
Here is a link to the whole manual for download, without using a vin #: http://www.wikiupload.com/download_page.php?id=140566 Once there, click "get file" then type in the confirmation code. It will then start downloading. I found that in another thread about the owner's manual...
That's nothing! Some of us endured much, much longer. My wait was 8 months. And back then (Jan. to Sept. 2000) there was barely anything available to help you along in the meantime. .
I killed time by going to different dealers each weekend, trying to spot all the different colour combinations, and also trying to spot my exact configuration. I did manage to see all the different exterior and interior colours, but I never did manage to find a car in my exact config before it actually came!
Perfect! I've been looking for the manual in pdf. So am I to believe the dealer? Does the location & arrival dates of ship in Japan tie back to realistic arrival dates in US? Thanks!
i had to wait a day! just luck of draw for me. when i ordered my 04 several years ago i had to wait 3 months. so i guess my one day wait was ok . if they had not had to prep it i would have had it in an hour. beaman automotive in nashville. sales guy micha.
Since you will have navigation, I suggest you go out to the Toyota.com website and look at the video's on how the Navigation works. Until they get it dialed in, everyone seems to struggle with it. I passed the time washing and waxing my other cars.
I remember a 'cube-neighbor' in Jan 2001. She just bought a 2001 Prius. I think she said it was a 4 month wait and cost $20K IIRC. Weirdest thing looking under the hood back then. I still remeber being impressed how is bolted up an overpass from standing stop with 5 adults packed in. We had the car overloaded for sure, but with the blond hottie next to me, it was no problem.
I ordered mine June 10th, and I have checking with the dealer weekly. Last Wednesday, he told me the build date was 7/7/09 or 7/8/09 for my Prius. So I too am waiting for a slow boat to arrive, I guess. I figure I got AT LEAST another month. (sigh) .......